Tom's Chatbox

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TOMASAS Author posted

I've updated the media, as I can't access the old video that somehow automatically went private.

Fag You posted

Is there any chance for me to see the chatbox?

Colonel Cheesepuffs Purchased posted

How do I make the chatbox taller?

TOMASAS Author posted

v I do bug fixes and provide support. :)

[UwG] endormax posted

Copy that, I'll search for some more tchatbox but if I don't find what I need I'll buy your one.

Do you still work on this tchatbox ?

TOMASAS Author posted

v The ability to highlight and copy text like in a web browser. The chatbox also comes with a config to log all the chat history in the console.

[UwG] endormax posted

Hey, what do you mean by "Real chat history " ?

I would like a cheap tchatbox with a chat history recovery such as the hatschat2.

TOMASAS Author posted

You can change the max length the text entry accepts, yes.

Harry Kleins [] posted

Tomasas I will not purchase the script if I do not know if I do not know if I have the opportunity to do so

TOMASAS Author posted

@Harry Kleins Please first purchase the script.

Harry Kleins [] posted

Can we put the text that scrolls automatically every X seconds? If so, how ? Can also change the maximum length of the message?

UnderGroundPower Purchased posted

Ok was hoping you could add players through steamID but still very nice chatbox

TOMASAS Author posted

Only by rank group.

UnderGroundPower Purchased posted

Is it possible to give people chat tags by steamID with this addon?

McSniper posted

Wow this is pricey! This is last on my script list due to the price xD

TOMASAS Author posted

Yes it does support glowing rank tags as listed in the description. You can make them for whichever rank you desire like [VIP], [OWNER] etc. It also should work just fine in DarkRP, since last time I checked it was. That's why it's advertised as working for any gamemode.

[ORP]Tader Purchased posted

I actually didn't even notice the video, but that answered one of the questions. I know now that there are in fact player tags as I thought, but I just still want to know whether or not those tags can be set to different names and i'd also like to know about DarkRP support for commands such as OOC, advert, me. Please let me know, and thanks in advance! If you have any questions also added you on Steam.

[ORP]Tader Purchased posted

Hey Tom I was just curious as to if the DarkRP functions worked? For example if I type in OOC does it come up properly IE: (OOC)Tader: hey there. I was just curious if this worked as I would get it for a DarkRP server. Also by colored rank tags, do you mean like if i'm superadmin it will display Superadmin Tader? If so, is the name for the rank configurable? What I mean by that is if the rank name is superadmin, but I want it to display Owner; can I do that? Sorry for all the questions but i'd just like an answer or two. Thanks TOMASAS!

TOMASAS Author posted

It uses team color, but if someone is inserting messages that are premade with color instead of the player object then it will stay like that. Add me on steam, we'll figure it out.

Dan Huski (Offline) Purchased posted

Um, im having problems. in DarkRP the name colors arent changing when people change from Citizrn, or is it not supposed to?

ATomIK Purchased posted

Lmao everyone misses the .99

TOMASAS Author posted

Sir, I believe 14.99-10.99 is 4. Lol.

Falden posted

This looks nice, The thing is atlas chat is 14 3 dollars less and has a lot more features might want to lower the price.

TOMASAS Author posted

The people that upload the script have to import them; that being said I have imported them now.

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