Tow Truck Driver Job 2 (Tow Trucks, Fine System, Service Calls, Custom Models)

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This script features a tow truck driver job with a realistic towing and fining system for DarkRP. As a tow truck driver you can retrieve a truck from a selection of vehicles and respond to tow service calls from civilians. Tow vehicles and issue tow fines for your towing services.

This version is rewritten, brand new user interface and much more feature-rich version of my old addon that was released in 2014.

Tow Truck Drivers are equipped with two weapons. They have an attachment tool that is used to attach vehicles by hooking the nose of the "target" vehicle to the back of your tow truck. The same weapon is used to unattach the vehicle again.

Tow Truck Drivers are also equipped with a fine tablet. They can inspect vehicles using this tablet to see information about the specific vehicle, such as owner, wanted status and many vehicle specifications such as horsepower, weight and more! By using the tablet, tow truck drivers can specify and place a fine on the vehicle. The respective vehicle owner will be notified and the vehicles location will be marked on their screen.

When entering a fined vehicle a fine menu will appear and the vehicle cannot be driven until that fine is paid.

Citizens can call for tow service on vehicles. A tow service call will notify all tow truck drivers and display the vehicles location on the map. Tow truck drivers can then right click with their attachment tool to mark it as finished or it automatically happen when they proceed to tow it.


๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Tow Truck Driver Job

  • Automatically added to your F4 menu.
  • Equipped with Attachment Hook weapon.
  • Equipped with Fine Tablet weapon.
  • Custom models, materials and animations.

๐Ÿ”ง Towing Vehicles

  • Towers are equipped with an attachment hook. Use it to attach vehicles to your tow truck.
  • Park your tow truck in front of a vehicle and Left Click with hook tool on tow truck to attach the vehicle.
  • Left Click again to unhook the vehicle when you've reached your destination.
  • You can also tow vehicles from inside your tow truck.
  • Park your tow truck in front of a vehicle and Right Click from inside the tow truck.
  • Same procedure to unattach the vehicle again.

๐Ÿ”ง Tow Truck NPC

  • 3D2D display above NPC.
  • Restrict tow trucks to certain teams only.
  • Restrict tow trucks to certain usergroups only.
  • Enable/disable usergroup restrictions with one simple config
  • Support for multiple tow trucks.
  • Skin support for tow trucks.
  • Color support for tow trucks.
  • Configured for 3 default tow trucks.
  • You can add Simfphys vehicles.
  • Default tow trucks support VCMod.
  • Support for multiple tow truck spawns for the NPC.

๐Ÿ’ฒ Tow Fine

  • Using the tow fine tablet you can fine vehicles.
  • Configurable maximum tow fine by the server owner.
  • When a vehicle is fined the vehicle cannot be driven until the fine has been paid.
  • The driver is immediately notified about the tow fine.
  • The vehicle is marked on the map for the owner. It displays tow fine and distance to vehicle.
  • Compatible with aPhone.

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Fine Tablet

  • Tow truck drivers are equipped with a fine tablet.
  • Left click to link with a vehicle in your sight.
  • Reload to increase tow fine by a configurable amount.
  • Right click to place fine on vehicle.
  • Fine tablet shows a large variety of information about the owner and vehicle
  • Vehicle name.
  • Vehicle owners name.
  • Vehicle owners wanted status.
  • Vehicle health.
  • Vehicle horsepower.
  • Vehicle weight.
  • If you move too far away from a linked vehicle it will automatically unlink.

๐Ÿ“ž Tow Truck Service Calls

  • Players can call tow services using /calltower chat command (by default).
  • Marking a vehicle for tow service will notify all tow truck drivers and mark the vehicle on the map.
  • Tow truck drivers receive a configurable bonus for towing a vehicle that has been marked for tow service.
  • Right click with the attachment hook weapon to remove tow service marker.
  • Hook vehicle to tow truck to remove tow service marker.
  • Compatible with aPhone.

๐ŸŽจ Theme Support

  • Supports themes for user interface.
  • Gray (default).
  • GMS Blue.

๐Ÿ’ป bLogs Support

  • Placing fine.
  • Paying fine.
  • Start towing vehicle.
  • Finish towing vehicle.

๐Ÿ’ฏ Level System Support

๐ŸŒŽ Language System

  • English
  • Danish
  • French
  • German
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

Discord Server

I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

This addon supports DarkRP 2.7.0+

Extract ch_tow_truck_driver_2 to your addons folder.


There is automatically added a tow truck driver job to your DarkRP. You can setup more as you wish and define them in the configuration.

Setup Spawns

You have to setup positions for the NPC and the tow truck spawn locations. This is done via in-game console commands.

Tow Truck NPC command: towtrucknpc_setpos

You can only setup one tow truck npc, but the npc can have multiple tow truck spawn positions.

Add new tow truck spawn command: towtruck_addspawnpos

Clear all tow truck spawn command: towtruck_clearallspawns

All positions are instantly in effect.


Custom models, materials, sounds and more are used for this script. Script content can be found at:

Script Content:

The addon is configured for 3 tow truck vehicles by default. Below are workshop links to the content required for the default configured tow trucks. You can delete and add any tow truck you'd like.

GTA 4 Tow Truck by Sgt. Sickness:

Dodge Ram 3500 Tow Truck by State Trooper:

Ford F350 SuperDuty by TDM:

Make sure to add these to your servers workshop collection as well.

It is entirely up to you as the customer to choose if you want to use these tow trucks or others. You can configure literally any vehicle you'd like as a tow truck.

To customize the general settings go to ch_tow_truck_driver_2/lua/ch_tow_truck/shared/tow_config.lua

To modify and add tow trucks go to ch_tow_truck_driver_2/lua/ch_tow_truck/shared/tow_trucks_config.lua

To modify and add themes go to ch_tow_truck_driver_2/lua/ch_tow_truck/shared/tow_themes_config.lua

To modify the default tow truck driver job go to ch_tow_truck_driver_2/lua/ch_tow_truck/shared/tow_darkrpadds.lua

General Config

-- Available languages: English: en - French: fr - German: de - Danish: da - Russian: ru - Spanish: es - Turkish: tr
-- Available themes: Gray, GMSBlue
CH_TowTruck.Config.Theme = "Gray" -- Set the theme of the script.

     Teams Config
CH_TowTruck.Config.TowTruckTeams = { -- The DarkRP team name that defines the tow truck driver. Here we use the team we create in tow_darkrpadds.lua
     ["Tow Truck Chief"] = true,
     ["Tow Truck Driver"] = true,

     General Config
CH_TowTruck.Config.NotificationTime = 7 -- How many seconds a DarkRP notification appears on the screen for players
CH_TowTruck.Config.MaxTrucks = 5 -- Maximum amount of tow trucks allowed at one time.

CH_TowTruck.Config.UseRequiredUserGroups = false -- Should we also restrict tow trucks to certain usergroups? See tow_trucks_config.lua to set usergroups.

     Vehicle Attachment
CH_TowTruck.Config.RopeWidth = 2 -- The width of the attachment rope from tow trucks.
CH_TowTruck.Config.AttachVehicleDelay = 1.5 -- Amount of seconds delay using the tow attach weapon (left/right clicking)
CH_TowTruck.Config.InTruckAttachButton = IN_ATTACK2 -- The button you use from inside the truck to hook nearby cars (Default = RIGHT CLICK). Here is a full list:

CH_TowTruck.Config.HookAttachmentSound = { -- This is a list of door knocks that will be chosen at random when knocking a door.
     "physics/metal/metal_canister_impact_hard2.wav", -- This is the default DarkRP normally uses
     "physics/metal/metal_canister_impact_hard3.wav" -- THE LAST LINE SHOULD NOT HAVE A COMMA AT THE END. BE AWARE OF THIS WHEN EDITING THIS!

-- List of blacklisted vehicle models that you don't want to be tow-able.
CH_TowTruck.Config.UseBlacklist = true -- If you want the below blacklist to be enabled.

CH_TowTruck.Config.BlacklistedVehicles = {
     ["models/sickness/gtabus.mdl"] = true,
     ["models/sickness/evocitybus.mdl"] = true,
     ["models/sickness/phantomdr.mdl"] = true,
     ["models/sickness/international_2674.mdl"] = true,

     Fining Config
CH_TowTruck.Config.PlaceFineDistance = 40000 -- Max distance between the tower and the vehicle to place the fine
CH_TowTruck.Config.MaxFine = 5000 -- The maximum fine a tower can put on a vehicle.
CH_TowTruck.Config.DefaultFine = 500 -- The default fine starting point.
CH_TowTruck.Config.IncreaseFineBy = 500 -- Every time the tower increases the fine price, it is increased by this amount.

CH_TowTruck.Config.DistanceToVehicleCheckTimer = 3 -- How many seconds between controlling towers distance to vehicle they are fining before unlinking tablet.

     Tow Services Config
CH_TowTruck.Config.CallServiceChatCommand = "/calltower" -- Aim at a vehicle and use the following chat command to call a tow truck to it's location.
CH_TowTruck.Config.CallTowServiceDistance = 60000 -- Max distance between the player and the vehicle to call tow services on a car
CH_TowTruck.Config.CallServiceRespondReward = 100 -- How much money should we reward the tower that responds to the service call with?

     Tow Truck NPC Config
CH_TowTruck.Config.NPCModel = "models/odessa.mdl" -- The model of the npc to retrieve a tow truck.
CH_TowTruck.Config.DistanceTo3D2D = 100000 -- The distance for the 3d2d to display above an tow truck NPC.

-- Support for DarkRP Mayor System - Economy, Realistic Events & More
CH_TowTruck.Config.UsingMayorSystem = false -- If you own my DarkRP Mayor System you can enable this -
CH_TowTruck.Config.PercentageToMayor = 50 -- How many percentage of the tow fine should go to the mayor funds?

CH_TowTruck.Config.DarkRPLevelSystemEnabled = false -- DARKRP LEVEL SYSTEM BY vrondakis
CH_TowTruck.Config.SublimeLevelSystemEnabled = false -- Sublime Levels by HIGH ELO CODERS
CH_TowTruck.Config.EssentialsXPSystemEnabled = false -- Brick's Essentials and/or DarkRP Essentials by Brickwall &
CH_TowTruck.Config.EXP2SystemEnabled = false -- Elite XP SYstem (EXP2) By Axspeo
CH_TowTruck.Config.GlorifiedLevelingXPSystem = false -- GlorifiedLeveling by GlorifiedPig

CH_TowTruck.Config.PlaceFineXPAmount = 20 -- Amount of XP given when placing a tow fine.
CH_TowTruck.Config.TowVehicleXPAmount = 50 -- Amount of XP given when successfully towing a vehicle.

Example Tow Truck

CH_TowTruck.Trucks[ "TOWTRUCK_GTA4TOWTRUCK" ] = { -- A unique identifier. This can be anything, as long as it's unique.
     Name = "GTA 4 Tow Truck", -- Name display in the UI
     Description = "Regular tow truck can handle most tasks.\nThis is an older model, so be gentle.", -- Description displayed in the UI
     Model = "models/sickness/towtruckdr.mdl", -- Tow truck model
     Script = "scripts/vehicles/tow.txt", -- Tow truck vehicle script
     Health = 100, -- Health of the tow truck
     VehicleSkin = 0, -- If the tow truck model has skins you can define it here.
     VehicleColor = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), -- If the vehicle has color support you can set this to whatever you'd like.
     AttachmentPos = Vector( 0, -133.3848, 73.9280 ), -- The attachment position is the position where the rope hooks to the tow trucks rear end.
     RopeLength = 80, -- The lenght of the rope created.
     AllowedTeams = { -- A list of teams that are allowed to retrieve this tow truck.
          ["Tow Truck Driver"] = true,
     UserGroupsAllowed = { -- If enabled in the default config, then this will be the user groups allowed to retrieve this tow truck.
          ["user"] = true,
          ["admin"] = true,
          ["superadmin"] = true,

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

Custom tow attachment hook models, materials and animations by Foks

Custom tablet models, materials and animations by Sterling Pierce

Banners made by Miskie

Icons made by Freepik from Flaticon

Font is Poetsen One

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