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Great addon!
Perfect compared to the original addon a lot more improvements, and overall helps make the tow truck driver jobs on any server worth it for players!
In short
This script features a tow truck driver job with a realistic towing and fining system for DarkRP. As a tow truck driver you can retrieve a truck from a selection of vehicles and respond to tow service calls from civilians. Tow vehicles and issue tow fines for your towing services.
This version is rewritten, brand new user interface and much more feature-rich version of my old addon that was released in 2014.
Tow Truck Drivers are equipped with two weapons. They have an attachment tool that is used to attach vehicles by hooking the nose of the "target" vehicle to the back of your tow truck. The same weapon is used to unattach the vehicle again.
Tow Truck Drivers are also equipped with a fine tablet. They can inspect vehicles using this tablet to see information about the specific vehicle, such as owner, wanted status and many vehicle specifications such as horsepower, weight and more! By using the tablet, tow truck drivers can specify and place a fine on the vehicle. The respective vehicle owner will be notified and the vehicles location will be marked on their screen.
When entering a fined vehicle a fine menu will appear and the vehicle cannot be driven until that fine is paid.
Citizens can call for tow service on vehicles. A tow service call will notify all tow truck drivers and display the vehicles location on the map. Tow truck drivers can then right click with their attachment tool to mark it as finished or it automatically happen when they proceed to tow it.
๐ ๏ธ Tow Truck Driver Job
- Automatically added to your F4 menu.
- Equipped with Attachment Hook weapon.
- Equipped with Fine Tablet weapon.
- Custom models, materials and animations.
๐ง Towing Vehicles
- Towers are equipped with an attachment hook. Use it to attach vehicles to your tow truck.
- Park your tow truck in front of a vehicle and Left Click with hook tool on tow truck to attach the vehicle.
- Left Click again to unhook the vehicle when you've reached your destination.
- You can also tow vehicles from inside your tow truck.
- Park your tow truck in front of a vehicle and Right Click from inside the tow truck.
- Same procedure to unattach the vehicle again.
๐ง Tow Truck NPC
- 3D2D display above NPC.
- Restrict tow trucks to certain teams only.
- Restrict tow trucks to certain usergroups only.
- Enable/disable usergroup restrictions with one simple config
- Support for multiple tow trucks.
- Skin support for tow trucks.
- Color support for tow trucks.
- Configured for 3 default tow trucks.
- You can add Simfphys vehicles.
- Default tow trucks support VCMod.
- Support for multiple tow truck spawns for the NPC.
๐ฒ Tow Fine
- Using the tow fine tablet you can fine vehicles.
- Configurable maximum tow fine by the server owner.
- When a vehicle is fined the vehicle cannot be driven until the fine has been paid.
- The driver is immediately notified about the tow fine.
- The vehicle is marked on the map for the owner. It displays tow fine and distance to vehicle.
- Compatible with aPhone.
๐ฅ๏ธ Fine Tablet
- Tow truck drivers are equipped with a fine tablet.
- Left click to link with a vehicle in your sight.
- Reload to increase tow fine by a configurable amount.
- Right click to place fine on vehicle.
- Fine tablet shows a large variety of information about the owner and vehicle
- Vehicle name.
- Vehicle owners name.
- Vehicle owners wanted status.
- Vehicle health.
- Vehicle horsepower.
- Vehicle weight.
- If you move too far away from a linked vehicle it will automatically unlink.
๐ Tow Truck Service Calls
- Players can call tow services using /calltower chat command (by default).
- Marking a vehicle for tow service will notify all tow truck drivers and mark the vehicle on the map.
- Tow truck drivers receive a configurable bonus for towing a vehicle that has been marked for tow service.
- Right click with the attachment hook weapon to remove tow service marker.
- Hook vehicle to tow truck to remove tow service marker.
- Compatible with aPhone.
๐จ Theme Support
- Supports themes for user interface.
- Gray (default).
- GMS Blue.
๐ป bLogs Support
- Placing fine.
- Paying fine.
- Start towing vehicle.
- Finish towing vehicle.
๐ฏ Level System Support
- Support for Sublime Levels
- Support for Vrondakis Level System
- Support for Elite XP System (EXP2)
- Support for DarkRP Essentials or Brick's Essentials
- Support for GlorifiedLeveling
๐ Language System
- English
- Danish
- French
- German
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish
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5.00 average based on 5 reviews
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- DarkRP