tStore - Fortnite Style Shop (Permanent Weapons) (Dark Theme)

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In short

tStore is a completely customizable NPC System which gives you the ability to easily create in-game stores for your server. tStore allows multiple items to be featured for a specified amount of time, be this minutes, weeks, hours or days across mutliple pages and stores.

enter image description here

tStore is a completely customizable NPC System which gives you the ability to easily create in-game stores for your server. tStore allows multiple items to be featured for a specified amount of time, be this minutes, weeks, hours or days across mutliple pages and stores.

tStore has been made with ease of use in mind, but is also packed with a load of different features to keep your players busy and have goals set to achieve items.

enter image description here

Global Features
  • DarkRP, Pointshop One and Pointshop Two support, this store will not run without DarkRP as the base.
  • ULX and Server Guard support for purchasing ranks.
  • Restrict specific items and/or NPCs to specific usergroups, allowing for donator only stores.
  • Chat command(s) to clear inventories, add items (Donation System) and clear specific items.
  • Two premade themes, as well as a theme and language file.
  • Command which can be used in order to open the first store that is created.
  • Offer the ability for your players to receive their permanent weapons when they spawn.
NPC Features
  • Create as many in-game stores as you like, with completely different featured and non featured items in each store.
  • Create pages inside of any store, keeping items organised and neat.
  • Featured Items section, randomly pick items every x amount of minutes, hours or days.
  • Configure the chance that an NPC can spawn when the server starts. Want a rare NPC with a 1% chance to spawn? No problem, easily configure it.
  • NPCs can have multiple spawn locations, meaning they're able to spawn at different locations when the server starts.
  • Regular Item section which can hold as many different items as you want in a single page or distribute them across multiple pages.
Item Features
  • The ability to force which items are featured, per page, or to have items be randomly picked to be featured.
  • Locker section, which users can use to withdraw their permanent items even after a server restart.
  • Permanent Items which users can buy, or temporary items which users can buy.
  • Full support for: Props, Entities, Weapons, Models, Shipments and Ranks.

enter image description here

Place the extracted tstore.zip inside of your server's addons folder. You can configure the script in sh_tstore_config.lua and inside of the tstore_config_manager folder.

Restart your server and you're good to go.

enter image description here

If you find any issues, please send them my way. I have tried my best to cover everything, but sometimes bugs or issues slip through.
  • Dan helping me with logical questions and being a helpful hand.

  • RE Lexi banner and graphical assets.

enter image description here



Once you purchase tStore, you will be provided with a fully commentated installation guide.

In order to configure tStore, head into tstore->lua->tstore->tstore_config_manager

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Product reviews

4.70 average based on 20 reviews

No support ...
no explanation to put player model, how to put them..
By Impact -
(version 1.4)
Author's reply
There's literally a 10 minute video explaining how to use the store mate, can't hold your hand much more than that sorry big man.
By Teddy -
John Miler
Good evening, Hello, can you tell me how to put PM in the store, I'm going there | tstore_item_config.lua | Is it me who coded badly or not if it is possible that a person can give me an example even if I take the example in the file nothing works
By John Miler -
(version 1.4)
Works for what it says it does but....
So everything it says it does it does. Can't complain there. The problem is it's missing some what I'd consider basic must have features for an addon like this. You can purchase player models but don't expect them to be usable for your server. You have to re-apply it every time you spawn. If anything I see this addon as being something to push players away from your server as it's quite frustrating to constantly re-equip things. It looks great and doesn't have bugs but is missing crucial features. Until it supports this it's not something I would recommend to buy if you value your player base. If it gets support for permanent player models it would be great but as it is now I couldn't recommend it.
By ScottyGoesNoot -
(version 1.4)
Your Store
Do you need a Store for your server? Stop searching, there is no way to find something better than Tstore. Made by ted.lua, this is an amazing script that can works on every server. Im using this script for so long and its very cool. Just a Store, but.... the best one. (Easy to configure and super super user friendly, ted left some videos inside the script so you can set up easly if you dont understand it. ) Btw, support is 10/10.
By F3LP0X -
(version 1.4)
Good for all!
Excellencent support, very faster, and beautiful addon !
By SwyF3n -
(version 1.4)
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