tStore - Fortnite Style Shop (Permanent Weapons) (Dark Theme)

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Daniel_MG_16 posted

Hello, quick question, can a player unequip a permanent weapon ?

[EG] Shadow posted

Hi im just wondering would you be able to sell attachments via this store? Its classed as an entity?

Héphaistos posted
Hi, quick question, when buying a skin do you have to team up every time you die? 
Shelby Purchased posted
● edited

Is it possible to restrict purchasable items to DarkRP jobs/categories? Teddy

EDIT: I have found an update confirming my question, sorry for the Ping!

Willay posted

Question, does this addon currently allow for PAC3 support? So allow for stores to have hats, accessories, trails, etc.

Somali Purchased posted

Nice script!

Will there ever be support for if you buy a prop/weapon/etc, it will add it to Xenin Inventory for example?

Teddy Author posted

Slaint Thank you very much :D

Slaint Purchased posted

This is a great addon!

DanFMN Purchased posted

Thanks for the new update! I needed that.

Blank posted

Additionally, only allow certain items to be equipped based on the job? I wouldn't want a sweaty shark to be a cop, for example.

Blank posted

Ted, is there a way to give items to players via steam id?

Zombie Extinguisher Purchased posted

Forget what I said, my client's support ticket made it seem like tStore had its own currency. :)

Teddy Author posted

Grant Not at this current time, no.

Grant posted

Hi i was thinking about getting this addon but is there a way to remove the perm weapons after a certain length of time?

♦Danny♦ Purchased posted

It is possible to restrict a Job by TEAM_?

Cle Purchased posted

Also wondering if there some sort of credit system, or you could do an update/dlc to implement that?

Teslaas posted

Is there any way of making it possible to purchase items with another currency of some sort. For example, credits that you can buy rather than the ordinary in-game currency.

Helios Purchased posted

Hello ted, is there any way to perma the npc ? cause every time we clean up the map they dissapear...

† LunarRay † Purchased posted

Is there support for changing bodygroups on playermodels?

Rock & Roll Mcdonalds posted

Does this include the ability to have permanent and or timed jobs? and does it have a credit system?

ThatCatGuy Purchased posted

is it possible to stop people dropping the "Perm" weapons.

SKIVA Purchased posted

Is it possible to have a "donation currency"? like credits you can donate for and use the credits you bought in the store?

that would be awesome and i will buy it if that would work

Invictus posted

Is this as good as pointshop2 which is no longer available? please PM me, i wont check back here.

EpicWolf posted

Would this script work in gamemode Murder? Because I am really interested in this. I imagine like I can open this with F3 button or just typing !shop

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