If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Can you restrict items to specified jobs?

Could you help me do this? I want to buy this script!

You can use a console command with a donation system, which allows permanent items to be transferred to a user once they buy a package. This is not a donation system though.

Hello, I was just checking to see if there was a option with this addon to make it so you could use paypal or real money for an option instead of real in-game money to purchase items? I really want to buy this script so please let me know!

Would you consider making this a TTT workable item shop menu like pointshop?

Is there going to be support for shops that stay though map cleanups?

yesssssss thanks for the drop fix!

Yes, Vex. This will be added in a future update.

Also, is there any chance of implementing a sale sort of function? Such as:
sale = 1; saleprice = 6000; price = 8000;
So that it shows up that the item is on sale with a little notifier and the original price is strikethroughed and the new price is alongside it?
Obviously doesn't have to be like what I put above, but just an idea I think would be useful.

You don't even need to add anything inside of Pointshop, as it stands right now it needs a form of currency. Sadly I don't think TTT comes with one, that's the only issue. You could add Pointshop 1 and run it along side tStore (reward players with Pointshop 1 currency that can be used to purchase things with tStore).

If not, you should make this as like a pointshop 2 kind of thing, as the design is awesome, so you can add content in game etc, would make it amazing.

Can i just set the currency to pointshop 2, even thought i don't have pointshop 2, because kamshak decided to stop developing pointshop2?

It'll work for TTT, but it'll need a form of currency to purchase the items. It supports pointshop1 and 2 currencies, the update will be pushed out in the next day or two. You can add any weapon and player model to the store.

Hi ted, i added you on steam as it wouldn't let me pm you on here, does this work for TTT, also with the sell and the fix for the confirm to buy bit when will the update be released for this, For TTT does this work like the pointshop2 did when it was down, like you can add weapons that you got on the server as well as playermodels etc, and its a seperate addon so doesnt require pointshop or anything?

This will be fixed next update, Vex. Thanks :]

Oh, it also asks you to confirm to buy items you already own.

Btw just a quick note, the new confirmation menu that pops up when buying something /always/ shows the price in $ rather than Points if selected in the config.

Hi. Is it possible to talk over private messages with you, ted? it won't take long.

Yeah that would be cool because I have permanent weapons only and players buy like 20 and can not sell or unequip weapons they don't need anymore.

Sell button can be added, if you mean with a permanent item? I could add the option to sell it back for half or 3/4 of the original price.

So is a sell or unequip button coming?

You can set the first store that is created to a chat command, if you're using multiple stores you'll have to use an NPC for the rest.