If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hello, my friend's friend's friend has tsore, any way you can help me feature an item, thanks? :3 Nah just kidding. I literally saw this coming before release. Would you say I could configure this to a chat command for my deathrun server?

Is there a way to respawn the npcs if they get deleted? I have an issue that when I use the admin cleanup on a map, the npcs get removed and the only way I found to return them is to restart the server. Is there a command I'm missing or something? If not, is there a way to get around that? Thanks

It's tStore, and no you don't own it. No idea why you're commenting here:
PMs for all to see: Owns: (Jack shit)
Get your "friend" to make a support ticket, which probably won't happen because you're probably using a leak. c:

hello, I have the tsore but the problem is that I do not know how to put a featured item can you help me

Then don't comment and move on my guy.

I was gonna say I like it, until I saw that it was just like fortnite.... I really don't like fortnite.

Has support for PS2 items been added?

I've just heard such great things about this script. Still really impressed.

@CHGamer You make what will sell, not what's good.

Fortnite? Really?

There's already both a command to open the store and a command that can be linked up to a donation system to add permanent items to someone's locker.

By that I mean can you add something like donation systems add things to your locker xD, I know it is most likely too hard.

OoOo I really want to see a command option, I have never seen a ingame shop do that!
Does it have support for donation systems?

As of right now there isn't, but it's something I'll probably end up adding in the future.

Is there a custom command option? Ie run a bwhitelist command if the player has purchased the item

Yes there is Nick, you can configure it in the configuration file.

Is there an option where you can open a store through a command?

It's not hard to do if you know the basics of Lua, though if you want in-depth changes you'll have to do them on your own and if you were to break something (from editing core files) I wouldn't assist you.
Changing the core code would also be annoying if I pushed out any updates in that file as well, you'd constantly have to add your modified code to the effected files.

Sorry, to add on to my previous comment.. would it be difficult for me to implement name requirements? So x can't buy y unless they have z in their name?

Thinking of buying, would love to see some sort of package system which adds a bunch of stuff to the locker on purchase.

i love it looks really good, i really think it can go somewhere good idea btw

Shouldn't be too hard, there's a function in place already which checks currency type. Feel free to add me on Steam, once purchased, if you need help doing it.

If I bought this add-on, how difficult would it be to implement it into my own currency system? (Kind of new to Lua)

Not right now, but i can see if I can implement it in the next update.