tStore - Fortnite Style Shop (Permanent Weapons) (Dark Theme)

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† LunarRay † Purchased posted

Does this script have support for Pointshop 2 items instead of using the inventory of this addon?

[/CC/] Mr.Mouse CL [DKK RP] Purchased posted

before i buy this i would really like to know about a thing :3 -1 If i put printers in the shop, Is there a max amount i can buy? (Can i change the amount)?

Teddy Author posted

I've added this now, I can't edit the installation video so please read the .txt files on how to do it.

Gordon posted

Any advancements regarding job restrictions on shop items?

Teddy Author posted

Open a support ticket and provide errors/more information, shop works fine.

fizzydotmp4 Purchased posted

I followed the installation instructions and it didn't install properly

Teddy Author posted

It has been added in now, you can create more than one store (literally as many as you like). As for entities being on their back, I have no plans to implement that right now. When you purchase an entity, it simply spawns the entity class and follows all the physics applied to it.

Ender Purchased posted

Alright then I'll most likely do it once added in, but can you add more than one store and it would be cool if they could spawn with the entity of the jetpack on their back.

Teddy Author posted

Yes, I'll add this in tomorrow's update.

Ender Purchased posted

Thinking of purchasing, but can you or I be able to make it where they spawn with the weapons after purchase so they don't have to go over to the store and get it.

☯Karma☯ posted

Would buy if there was an option for a purchasable game pass that unlocks weapons with XP

Teddy Author posted

Yes I'll add this with tomorrow's update, thanks for the suggestion. :)

Gordon posted

Hey there! Bit of a pre-sale question, any chance there'd ever be an option to restrict shop items per job? Or offer the possibility of restricting items with customChecks?

Cheers! //Gordon

SKIVA Purchased posted

Nice and clean. good luck with the sales!

Teddy Author posted

Yes, shoot me a support ticket and I'll add it before I push out tonight's update.

BlueYeti_Gaming Purchased posted

Is it possible to make this compatible with the Basewars gamemode?

Nykez Moderator posted

playing forknite

DanFMN Purchased posted

If you haven't bought this yet, what're you doing?

BlueYeti_Gaming Purchased posted

Love the look and feel!

Sterling Pierce Purchased posted

It looks really nice. Glws!

Teddy Author posted

Yes, as of right now items are added in a config file. I might work on other ways to implement items and NPCs, so I'll take that into consideration. :)

Rexxor Purchased posted

Do you manually add stuff in the config? You should make it like sh_accessories where u just put in a workshop ID and it auto adds everything in the addon.

DanFMN Purchased posted

This is some hot stuff!

[HLλ] John Oakman posted


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