TTT Peace Sentry - Detective

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In short

This peace sentry makes it possible to set up safe peace zones by detectives. It will attack anyone who hurts another player, if it was done in the field of view of the sentry. Buy the sentry from the shop menu, a sentry creation swep which has an indicator hitbox showing you when you can spawn it.

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This peace sentry makes it possible to set up safe peace zones by detectives. It will attack anyone who hurts another player, if it was done in the field of view of the sentry. When you buy the sentry from the shop menu you get a sentry creation swep which has an indicator hitbox showing you when you can spawn it (colored green or red). It can be easily customized to balance it however you like just with a few convars.

It is super easy to install and config.

Also you can find my Traitor Turret here.


1.) Open the zip file.

2.) Extract it to your addons folder.

3.) You're done. Enjoy!


This is a full list of convars to tweak how the turret works:

Peacespawnfrozen - Defines if the sentry spawns frozen or not (1 to spawn frozen, 0 to be movable), Default = 1

Peacerange - Defines sentry range, Default = 750

Peace_hp - Defines sentry health before it explodes, Default = 100

Peace_rate_of_fire - Defines sentry rate of fire until next attack (0.1 would make 10 attacks per second), Default = 0.1

Peace_damage - Defines sentry damage per shot, Default = 10

Peace_shots_total - How much shots it has until it runs out. Use 0 for unlimited shots, Default = 100

Peace_spread - Defines sentry spread when shooting, recommended 0 to 0.09, Default = 0

Peace_shootinnocents - Defines if the sentry should shoot innocents who shot traitors (1 to shoot, 0 to not), Default = 1


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Future updates and support

This script will receive future updates as long as it stays here.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to comment.

Please PM me if you find Lua errors made by this script instead of commenting.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 3 reviews

Izzy ๐Ÿ’™
I have been playing with this Detective weapon for a couple years. Decided to pick up a copy for my server and my players love it.
By Izzy ๐Ÿ’™ -
(version 1.0.0)
Very great script! Some problems with configuration at the beginning, but everything works fine now. (The ConVars need to be lowercase)
By P4sca1 -
(version 1.0)
goldenningas [nosound]
Nice addon, really good Detective weapon that isn't OP and doesn't let you map abuse Easy to customise damage, etc
By goldenningas [nosound] -
(version 1.0)
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