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Welcome Everyone!
What's Ultimate gMedic?
It's a Must Have for every roleplay server that you could ask Everything out of the box, everything you could think in a medic script it's included to improve inmersion and player experience in game
What does it bring?
It brings LOTS of stuff, and I'm interested into adding more features to make it a must have for every server owner!
DarkRP is not fully required! Although implementation might vary
We got:
- A death screen with timers
- Unconscious and death system
- Corpses dragging to hide
- Defibrillators / Bandages
- Loot crates with players weapons
- Wounds! All them, head, body, arms and legs
- Bleeding, so your players can't get away that easy
- Injury scream to recognize males and females
- Ambulance provider
- Surrender time while death
- Paramedic alerts
- Custom models
- Custom UI elements
- Full translatable
You might be like "Do I really need all that stuff?"
Who does!
That's why you can disable EVERY feature you want, do you like the wounds but not the death screen? Disable it, don't you want defibs? Take them off, don't you want X feature? Just config it so you don't have to deal with it
Everything is configurable, from every single feature, do you want to change the chance of bleeding? or even how much speed you loose when you break your foot! There are countless ways to customize this addon!
There is nothing that does not allow you to customize!
##Some videos
Killing and dragging: Video
Getting knocked up: Video
Defibrillator: Video
Bandages: Video
Ambulance dealer: Video
Just uncompress the file inside Addons folder and you're ready to go!
I higly recommend you to setup a test server so you tweak your values before going live!
But out of the box it works perfectly!
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