Ultimate Slave Roleplay Addon Pack [Cooking,Mining,Farming]

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BarilTomas posted


Jacob™ posted

Does this support Nutscript?

phil (GER) Purchased posted

Best addon for a long time! Only put in the right folder and run it. Thank your for this excellent work.

KingDudi posted

I have delete the Script from my Computer and Server Systems I have fail buying :(

KingDudi posted

Hello, I've just bought the script Did it on my DarkRP Server Install But this does not work I hope we can return Talk about a money?

! King Jaffa ! posted

You gotta lot of cool scripts

! King Jaffa ! posted

He has done it before on the workshop I cannot leave my room without him fucking about lol. I was checking for some cool RP content and he is just a twat XD

Woadie Author posted

I appreciate the apology, no problems :)

! King Jaffa ! posted

I apologize about that I have an idiot fucking brother who is a twat. He doesn't know crap. Content is cool you gotta lot of cool stuff on the workshop.

! King Jaffa ! posted

It is kinda funny how your selling the content that is on the workshop for free and that is also apart of our server. Such a rip off. Talk about a SCAM alert.

Actual Dweeb Purchased posted

in the sh_config.lua im trying to change the xyz coordinates for the resource crate. im not using rp_catalyst_v1. how do i find out what my xyz coordinates are? Thanks.

Mikey Howell Purchased posted

Skadoodie, you're not the first and only one to make gmod lua lessons.

Woadie Author posted

I don't even know you lol.

Skadoodie posted

I like that you took my gmod lua lessons idea and ran with it. I think I should get royalties for it but tbh idgaf.

Syzco posted

With the amount of work put into this addon and and the amount of entities, $5.99 is not a bad price.

[DN} Master Shake posted

Oh man I kida pissed that you made this 5.99.

True Swanson posted

I get that but you are ruining it for the other gamemodes. But this isnt the best place to discuss it. Eitherway nice script.

Woadie Author posted

I disagree, it just helps people understand what the theme of the game is, and if you really have a personal issue with it, you don't have to call it slaverp haha.

True Swanson posted

Well slaverp is darkrp, just another name(which is really shitty todo).

Cookie posted

Why does this have a "dakrp" tag if it is clearly for Slave RP?

Conchie posted

He's not money hungry? its $5.99... if you can pay that then idk bro.


Why you so money hungry?

Monsters posted

Why'd you close your server?

Seba posted

This is pretty awesome, i whish i knew ur server before it closed

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