ULX Extended & Administrative Context Menu

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ULX Commands Extended
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In short

ULX Extended brings together 3 classic addons to ease your moderation duty. The addon gives you 15+ new ULX commands and an administrative context menu that enables you to quickly run ULX commands on users through the 'C' context menu.


The ULX commands are automatically added to your ULX menu. You can find them under the categories of Essentials and Extended.

Below is a list of available ULX commands.


  • Recent dcs (Show's recently disconnected players)
  • Give (Give any weapon)
  • Set runspeed / walkspeed / size / jumppower (Extra fun commands)
  • BHop (Enable autohop on a target)
  • Imitate (Say something in chat through another player)
  • Cleardecals (Remove decals for all players)
  • Freeze props (Freeze all props. Useful if server is lagging)
  • Nocollide (Nocollide players)
  • Openscript (For nerd admins who wanna use clientside lua)
  • ssay (Same as adminchat, but limited to superadmins)
  • Copy steamid (Copies the players steamid to your clipboard)
  • Copy IP (Copies the players IP to your clipboard)
  • Check friends (Check who the target is friends with on the server)
  • Show profile (Open their steam profile)
  • Respond (Opposite of '@please help admin', so you can respond with '#<player> what's the problem'
  • Watchlist (Add someone to watchlist warning other admins when they connect)
  • Reset score (Resets the players frags and deaths)
  • List staff (Shows online staff)
  • Ban IP (Allows you to ban any IP)
  • DC Ban (Ban the latest disconnected player)
  • Cleanup (Clean up the map)

The administrative context menu appears when you press 'C' to open your context menu, hover over a player with your mouse and right click. This will show the menu and allow you to quickly perform ULX commands on them.

Below is a list of information and commands from the menu.


  • User rank
  • Copy SteamID
  • Open steam profile


  • Slay
  • Spectate
  • Bring
  • Freeze
  • Unfreeze
  • Jail/Unjail
  • Jail (60 seconds)
  • Gag
  • Ungag
  • Restore health
  • Kick
  • Ban
  • Set rank
  • Demote to user
  • Unarrest
  • Set money
  • Add money
  • Ban from job

Discord Server

I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

If you're have Lua experience you should be able to configure and add your own ULX commands to the context menu.

You can locate the config file at lua/ulx_extended/shared/ulx_contextadmin_config.lua

Below are examples of simple moderation commands.

["Moderation"] = {cmds = {
     { txt="Slay", cmd = "ulx slay", icon = "icon16/lightning.png" },
     { txt="Spectate", cmd = "ulx spectate", icon = "icon16/eye.png" },
     { txt="Bring", cmd = "ulx bring", icon = "icon16/arrow_left.png" },
     { txt="Freeze", cmd = "ulx freeze", icon = "icon16/link.png", opp = "ulx unfreeze", oppicon = "icon16/link_break.png" },
     { txt="Jail (∞)", cmd = "ulx jail", icon = "icon16/lock.png", opp = "ulx unjail", oppicon = "icon16/lock_open.png" },
     { txt="Jail (60s)", cmd = "ulx jail", icon = "icon16/lock.png", args = {60}, opp = "ulx unjail", oppicon = "icon16/lock_open.png" },
     { txt="Gag", cmd = "ulx gag", icon = "icon16/sound_mute.png", opp = "ulx ungag", oppicon = "icon16/sound.png" },
     { txt="Restore Health", cmd = "ulx hp", icon = "flags16/ch.png", args = {100} },
     icon = "icon16/shield.png"

txt is the name of the command, cmd is the actual ulx command to run and icon is the icon you see in the menu. opp is the opposite if you want to have for example freeze/unfreeze in one command and oppicon is the icon for the opposite command.

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

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