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Compatibility with L2 Plates please

Compatibility with L2 Plates

Il est ou le mot de passe ???

How do I log in?

You should add so that the mayor can also change taxes threw the computer.

That the computer can recognize the license plate plates to know who owns the vehicle !!! thank you

hello, i want to buy your addon i have a little question
if i arrest someone with this addon :
I can see the arrest in your addon ? plate compatibl

Possibility of creating a criminal record and writing notes.

Support l2 license plates because we can only buy it on gmodstore

Support for pmod license plates

Compatibility with:
1) Possibility to see the name of the owner of the vehicle thanks to the plaques
2)Time spent in jail and by which agent
3)to see the money coming in and out of the safe (logs) and withdraw money from the offer with Mayor's approval. Exemple (payer une prise d'otage)
4) To see the ranks with the computer
+ rphone support (reading messages from other playersand and logs call)
+logs change name DarkRP
+demote player ( Chief demote police )
+logs( have DarkRP weapon licence or not) and license backup system by deconecting unless it dies

Hello guys
I'm going to update this script soon, if you have suggestions this is the best time.

what drivers license is recommmeded?

add Firearms License System support

add rphone support (reading messages from other players)

Je tiens à signaler que cette addon n’est pas mis à jour et comporte des bug empêchant son utilisation, j’ai dû payer un développeur GMod pour régler le problème.
De plus le support est lamentable, il ne faut pas être pressé d’avoir une réponse, je suis très déçu.


[ERROR] addons/agc/lua/autorun/client/cl_agc.lua:493: Calling net.Start with unpooled message name! [ ]
1. Start - [C]:-1
2. DoClick - addons/agc/lua/autorun/client/cl_agc.lua:493
3. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:234

Y'a le debug que j'avais laissé (oops)
if not ghomes.list[data] then return end
local house = ghomes.list[data]
CaseList:AddLine(house.ownername, owner, house.owner and "true" or "false")
(Le chatprint)

thanks man

I created a guide to help people use this addon better, I hope it helps. I really do.

Well, ive been trying to get this to work, but all I know is the password is whatever you type, but you have to be the designated job to actually access the computer, but no one knows how to add custom jobs, and the guy who made this script wont respond.

Enfaite, pour ceux qui veulent le mot de passe et bien désolé de vous décevoir mais je crois bien qu'il n'y en ai point. J'ai observer le code avec attention mais trouver aucun mot de passe.
( La partit ou le mot de passe aurai pu être )
[FOR READ translate that]