Even More Police Stuff

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Fixed a problem with the language system

  1. Fixed the drum not blinking on dedicated servers
  2. Fixed the trailer not showing 3D2D on dedicated servers
  1. Fixed a potential issue with the blocker
  2. Russian language
  3. French language

You can keep the same configuration file from 3.0.0

  1. Advanced car trunk in which you can now put items back in
  2. Ghosting system for the items placement
  3. You can now take weapons from the trunk
  4. Items in the trunk can be specific to a vehicle now vs global before
  5. Animated road blockers that can be placed via a Tool and retracted/deployed, they can also be permanent thanks to a custom Save system
  6. Custom models made from scratch by me
  7. Items are now limited in amount
  8. 3D2D render to know if a vehicle has a trunk or not
  9. Configurable key to open the trunk, it's not hooked to the PlayerEnteredVehicle anymore
  10. Language system is now way easier for users to add new languages
  11. Some entities were ported into tools to look better and be more user-friendly
  12. You can preview how your text will look on the board
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