Fixed a problem with the language system
- Fixed the drum not blinking on dedicated servers
- Fixed the trailer not showing 3D2D on dedicated servers
- Fixed a potential issue with the blocker
- Russian language
- French language
You can keep the same configuration file from 3.0.0
- Advanced car trunk in which you can now put items back in
- Ghosting system for the items placement
- You can now take weapons from the trunk
- Items in the trunk can be specific to a vehicle now vs global before
- Animated road blockers that can be placed via a Tool and retracted/deployed, they can also be permanent thanks to a custom Save system
- Custom models made from scratch by me
- Items are now limited in amount
- 3D2D render to know if a vehicle has a trunk or not
- Configurable key to open the trunk, it's not hooked to the PlayerEnteredVehicle anymore
- Language system is now way easier for users to add new languages
- Some entities were ported into tools to look better and be more user-friendly
- You can preview how your text will look on the board