USEPICKUP - Your smart, all-in-one Weapon Addon!

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In short

Tired of walking over a bunch of weapons until you pickup the one you want? This addon lets you pickup instantly the one you want using your "+use" key like in CS:GO and other games.

What does this addon do?

This addon lets you and your players pickup weapons using their "+use" key like in CS:GO and other games. As addition, you can compare a weapon to others.


  • No annoying DRM
  • Supports ANY gamemode
  • No resources to download!
  • Strong config
  • Weapon stats
  • Swapping (at the moment ttt only!)
  • Generates colors based on ammo types
  • Easy to translate if your language is not supported
  • Beautiful UI with animations
  • No more walking over stacks of weapons until you pickup the one you want
  • More …


  1. Throw the usepickup folder into your addons folder.
  2. Take a look at the config and change it to you likings.
  3. You are done!

Updates & Support

If you need something added, fixed or changed, just contact me. Feel free to give feedback, so I can improve this addon with every update as long as it gets used.


Q: Can I still walk over weapons to pick them up the old way? (ttt)

A: Yes

Q: Font characters look broken.

A: Try adding "extended = true" to the font tables. (Thanks Rayek)

Q: I have a question which is not listed here.

A: Just ask me

local c = {}

c.Enable    = true
c.LoadGM    = "auto" -- "auto", "terrortown", "darkrp", "fallback"
                     -- IF YOUR GAMEMODE IS JUST DARKRP BUT RENAMED, SET IT TO "darkrp" (if it doesn't detect DarkRP by itself)

c.Language  = "english" -- english, german, russian

c.Range     = 125 -- 125 => perfect in my opinion
c.Halos     = true

c.ChatCommands = {

c.Colors = {
    ["Base"]    = Color( 220, 220, 220 ), -- normal text
    ["UseKey"]  = Color( 200, 50, 50 ), -- [E]
    ["Alt"]     = Color( 140, 140, 140 ), -- "Hold [ALT][..]" text
    ["Shadow"]  = Color( 50, 50, 50 ), -- shadow

    ["Row_BG"]  = Color( 30, 30, 30, 200 ), -- blurry background color of each row
    ["Row_Bar"] = Color( 150, 150, 150),
    ["Good"]    = Color( 0, 150, 0 ),
    ["Bad"]     = Color( 175, 0, 0 ),
    ["Avg"]     = Color( 255, 215, 0 ),

    ["SettingsBG"] = Color( 25, 25, 25, 220 ),
    ["SettingsCloseButton"] = Color( 200, 35, 35 )
c.NameOverride = { -- if for some reason the name doesnt fit or is just fucked up
    ["weapon_zm_revolver"] = "Desert Eagle",
c.ColorOverride = { -- generates the weapons color by its ammotype (non ttt gamemodes) but you can override that here
    ["ammotype"] = Color( 200, 30, 30 ),

c.StatsBaseBlacklist = {

c.StatsClassBlacklist = { -- if it doesnt detect those weapons itself (mostly equipment like t-items with 0 delay etc)

if CLIENT then
    -- play around
    -- I will add better names for the font later

    surface.CreateFont( "USEPICKUP.Standard", {
        font = "Coolvetica",
        extended = false,
        size = 24,
        weight = 0,
        antialias = true,
        shadow = false
    } )

    surface.CreateFont( "USEPICKUP.Highlighted", {
        font = "Coolvetica",
        extended = false,
        size = 24,
        weight = 0,
        antialias = true,
        shadow = false
    } )

    surface.CreateFont( "USEPICKUP.HoldAlt", {
        font = "Trebuchet MS",
        size = 21,
        weight = 1000,
        shadow = false,
        antialias = true,
    } )

    surface.CreateFont( "USEPICKUP.Stats.Standard", {
        font = "Coolvetica",
        extended = false,
        size = 24,
        weight = 0,
        antialias = true,
        shadow = false
    } )

    surface.CreateFont( "USEPICKUP.Stats.Highlighted", {
        font = "Coolvetica",
        extended = false,
        size = 26,
        weight = 1000,
        antialias = true,
        shadow = false
    } )

    surface.CreateFont( "USEPICKUP.Stats.Standard.Alt", {
        font = "Trebuchet MS",
        extended = false,
        size = 19,
        weight = 0,
        antialias = true,
        shadow = false
    } )

If you want to translate my addon, just send me a PM.

local l = {}

l["HINT"] = {
    ["pickup"]      = '%key% to pickup %weapon%.',
    ["exchange"]    = '%key% to exchange %old_weapon% with %new_weapon%.',
    ["alt"]         = "Hold ALT to view stats."

l["STATS"] = {
    ["damage"]      = "Damage",
    ["rpm"]         = "RPM",
    ["clipsize"]    = "Clip-Size",
    ["spread"]      = "Spread",
    ["recoil"]      = "Recoil"

USEPICKUP.LANG:Register( "english", l )

Product reviews

4.71 average based on 17 reviews

great addon!
players on my server love this system. much easier to manage when trying to pick a weapon up when there are several on the ground in close proximity. highly recommended!
By Ralph -
(version 1.1.6)
Decent enough addon, no support
I have had a ticket in for months with no response, Addon works well though
By [π]Minos -
(version 1.1.6)
Does exactly what it says and support is extremely fast, fancy animations and cool stuff without being over the top, highly recommend buying and thanks to the developer for being nice too :v
By nocturni -
(version 1.1.6)
I love how slick, and professional this addon looks!! Im so glad I found it :)
By Sublett -
(version 1.1.6)
Author's reply
and im glad you like it :)‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
By CupCakeR -
Fast and friendly support, very good addon!
Addon is working as expected. The support is VERY fast and helpful!
By Emu -
(version 1.1.5)
1 of 4
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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  • Read the Q&A, maybe your solution is listed there.
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