USEPICKUP - Your smart, all-in-one Weapon Addon!

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CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Kyr0 probably

MightyX3N posted

Does this work with ArcCW Weapons ?.

Blank Purchased posted

cupcaker is the best kind of cupcake

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Tori1157 | it should support any type of weapon.

Tori1157 | Purchased posted

Does this support any type of weapons?

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Kuma It should, yes.

KuMaGR posted
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Does it work with TFA Base weapons on both DarkRP and TTT?

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Doctor Gurke sure, shouldn't be a problem at all

Doctor Gurke Purchased posted

Hey, do you think you could implement an option, to also pick up (ttt) ammo with the use key out of the box?

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

nefarious™ it supports all gamemodes.

nefarious Purchased posted

This purely for TTT or?

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Lapin because I didn't want to tell the creator of my presets/images that it looks "shit". I'm too kind for that.

LPN64 posted

why do you always use a poop on your addons and your avatar

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Kev-Vax thank you

Kev-Vax posted

Looks cool, I really like the animations.

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Doctor Gurke It is still possible to walk over weapons to pick them up if you don't already have that weapon in your inventory.

Doctor Gurke Purchased posted

Does the script completely disable the normal weapon pickup i.e. walking over weapons to pick them up? Or is both possible? e.g. you have a weapon, press E to swap, or you DON'T have the weapon and can just walk over it but also press E on it.

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Nobody thanks

CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted

Southpaw yes you can edit all fonts if you want to, but I forgot the text you mentioned. I just pushed an update for that.

Southpaw posted

Can you edit the font at all? Particularly on the line that displays "Press E to pick up the weapon".

Havilah posted


CupCakeR AuthorModerator posted
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[♥D.SS♥]Phoenixmeister Purchased posted


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