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In short
Adds a fine system that can be used by the jobs of your choosing. It works to write fines to both players and vehicles. You can also customize which job can use which fines, that way you can add traffic police jobs.
You require LUA knowledge in order to make this work with other gamemodes.
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Adds a fine system that can be used by the jobs of your choosing. It works to write fines to both players and vehicles. You can also customize which job can use which fines, that way you can add traffic police jobs.
- Fine SWEP - works on both players and vehicles
- Possible to enter custom reason and amount
- Jobs of your choosing can fine others
- Setup fines specifically for certain jobs, useful for parking attendant jobs for example
- UI for both writing and paying fines
- Finer gets X% of the fine
- Becomes wanted or arrested if denying the fine
- Supports CrapHeads Vehicle Startup Addon
- Supports CrapHeads ATM, BlueATM, SlownLS ATM and ARitz Cracker Bank
- Supports SCars
- Supports DConfig and ezJobs
- Supports mLogs and bLogs
- Translation system - Currently supports English, French, German, Russian and Slovak
- Easily add law sections and laws
- Easily customize it to your liking
Extract the "finesystem" and "tbfy_shared_v2" into your addons folder.
You can setup custom fines in the language file
The Setup SWEP is also used to configure the config (some are still setup with the sh_fines_config.lua inside the lua/tbfy_finesystem folder)
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