If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
How can we use the handcuffs that you created and this system at the same time since there is the same tbfy_shared_v2 ?
So i know before i buy it i can use both at the same time.

It would be nice to be able to put the paths of the computer images in the config file. Example: materials/tobadforyou/my_govpc.png.
It would be nice to be able to deactivate the paths by url "website", I use a workshop custom collection for "materials".

The computer is not useable inside vehicles.

Im thinking of buying this addon. Can police use the computer in a car? would be so cool for cops to check warrants etc.

nice update

Coming in next major update.

support for blogs ?

Hello, How do we do if players have fun using the system to give money without any visibility?

It supports every vehicle.

Does this support TDM Cars

Thanks for posting a french translation, but it would be for the best if you PMed me this instead as it do take up a lot of space in the comment section^^

Traduction en français
FineSystemConfig.Language["French"] = { FineWritten = "Amende adressée à %s Pour un montant total de €%s.", FineWrittenVehicle = "Amende rédigée pour un montant total de €%s.", PayFine = "Vous avez payé %s du total de $%s pour l'amende.", PayFineARC = "Vous avez payé %s du total de $%s de l'amende depuis votre compte bancaire", PayFineVehicle = "Vous avez payé %s du total de $%s de la contravention", PaidFine = "%s a payé un montant total de €%s pour l'amende, vous recevez €%s.", PaidFineVehicle = "%s a payé un montant total de €%s pour cette contravention, vous recevez €%s.", DenyFine = "Vous avez refusé votre amende.", DeniedFine = "%s a refusé votre amende", PunishmentDeniedFine = "Refuser l'amende", ARCReason = "Amende", --Quel type de paiement notifié dans la banque pour le joueur ?
JobNotWhitelisted = "Votre métier ne permet pas d'écrire des amendes", CantFineSelf = "Vous en pouvez pas adresser d'amende à vous-même", TooFarAway = "Votre cible est trop loin", PlayerJobImmune = "Le travail de ce joueur ne peut être condamné à une amende.", YouCantAfford = "Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent!", CantAfford = "%s n'a pas assez d'argent!", CantAffordARC = "%s N'a pas assez d'argent en poche ou sur son compte bancaire!", FinePending = "%s a déjà une amende est en attente!", VehicleFinePending = "Ce véhicule a déjà une amende en attente!",
Reset = "Effacer", Cancel = "Annuler", WriteFine = "Envoyer", TotalAmount = "Total: €", Pay_Fine = "Payer", Deny = "Refuser", FinedBy = "Amende de: ", CustomReason = "Personnaliser l'amende", Amount = "Montant:", Reason = "Raison:", }
Les mots français étant plus long que les mots anglais, je conseille de modifier la taille de la police dans le cl_fines ainsi :
surface.CreateFont( "FineButtons", { font = "TargetID", size = 18.5, weight = 500, antialias = true, } ) surface.CreateFont( "FineText", { font = "TargetID", size = 18, weight = 500, antialias = true, } ) surface.CreateFont( "FineHeadlines", { font = "TargetID", size = 19, weight = 1000, antialias = true, } )
Et voilà ;)

Sold, I'll be purchasing this as well as possibly your handcuff & ranking system. Just waiting on my Paycheck to come in.

There's no config for changing the font, but I could easily add one. Either way you can change the font easily manually in the cl_ lua file of the addon^^ No, you can't log the fines. I can add support for bLogs though.

I'm planning on purchasing this, anyway to change the font (I'm assuming in the config file?) it's the only thing bothering me. And just wondering if I can make it log the fines in a MySQL Database so I can monitor if a player is abusing the system. Thanks ! :)

Open a support ticket and add the config to pastebin and link it in there and I'll take a look at it! :)

Hi, I tried to change the sentences of the fines in french but every time its done spit my server. Do you have a solution ? Or a pack fr ?

@basonx95 It already does! :) in the newest update if you use aritz bank.

you should make it so it checks there bank for money

@Helen Keller Yeah sure I could add that in the config and also add so you can set jail time for each fine option. Open a support ticket and I'll look into this for next update, otherwise I might forget^^

Hello, I was wondering if you would ever considering adding an option in the config that when a player is fined and they deny the fine, they get put into jail instead of just making them wanted. Maybe even the jail time could change depending on how large the fine is. Like maybe a 5k fine would get you 2 minutes in jail but a 20k fine would get you 8 minutes in jail.
This is just an idea but I think it would build upon the script a lot more.

No you can't fine vehicles, but that's a great idea! :) Regarding specific reasons, I'll look into that. Thanks for the suggestions! When I've time I'll release an update.

Can you fine vehicles and make it so certain jobs can only chose specific reasons?

Nope, but that's a good idea. I'll include a config for that in next update! :)