Fine/Fining System Customizable

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Fine system Changes

Added support for CrapHeads Vehicle Start up, add field below to fines of your likings, by default it is for illegal parking only

 - EngineStatusRequired = nil, -- For CrapHeads vehiclestart up system (true = engine has to be on, false = engine has to be off, nil = disabled)

Server should now properly check so the correct fines are written (increased security to prevent exploiting)

Should now properly send the correct player data for the archives fine section

Fines now support multilines (You can now set longer fine names with no issues)

Should now directly send vehicle fine to the driver (if there is one)


Admins can now set Government PC login logo and wallpaper

Added language system (Not everything is included yet)

You can now setup job related configs ingame (Both single and multiple jobs)

You can now setup SWEP related configs ingame (Both single and multiple jobs)

Ingame config list is now sorted

Configs added:

LanguageToUse - Which language to use

ArchiveDaysExpire - How many days before archivedata is removed

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