If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.

Hey tu vas faire un GUI ? ça pourrais etre cool :)

I made different jobs pertaining to each rank. Can this addon work with that? Or is it a singular job, different ranks

No, I don’t think something like that would be possible.

So like posted in the addon description you can use demote/promotion commands to rank up players as a player without any server permissions if you have a certain ingame rank. I was wondering if it is also possible to execute an certain chat command as an User to invite an player to your Job or an different one.

Hello there
Is there a function for players to invite people to an DarkRP Job?
Ofc without them having perms on the Server.

Is this compatible with Bwhitelist and Advanced Character creator?

I would like to purchase your addon, but before purchasing i have a question.
Can you put the ranks names in the Tab Menu and not in the Head-HUD ?

Maybe some type of Support for the DarkRP Spawning System, so that we can choose special Ranks to spawn somewhere else, for example we have the US Infantry and there is ranks like Privat for beginning and it goes up to Captain, and Captain is a Officer. and now we want officers to spawn in the officer barracks and privates to still spawn in their barracks
i hope thats somewhat of understandable :D

Can you make support for VoidChar (multi-characters)?

Bought ^^

Ok thx

That already exists.

Hey, Can you add a feature that changes the playermodel depending on the grade?

Whats the full command when you promote someone? I know it is /rpromote name reason, but it says i need to specify a rank and i don't know where to fit that into the example.


Open a support ticket on the owning account.

ToBadForYou, i really need help bud, is there a chance we could speak on discord or such. do you have a discord server?

yo is there any document/video on how to do this. idk how this works man