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In short
This addon adds a player-driven driver license system. Players can be made instructors by admins through the admin management menu but in order to grant a player a license he has to pass the theory test for that license first. It also includes the possibility of using an automatic system.
You require LUA knowledge in order to make this work with other gamemodes.
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This addon adds a player-driven driver license system. Players can be made instructors by admins through the admin management menu but in order to grant a player a license he has to pass the theory test for that license first. It also includes the possibility of using an automatic system now.
- Automatic system for practical test (Setup different ones for each license)
- Admin management menu
- Instructor management menu
- License SWEP (Viewable on both screen and in world by others)
- Driving Instructors including whitelist
- Driving Instructor License whitelist (Choose what licenses a Driving instructor can give out)
- Theory Tests with randomized questions (Setup unique questions and time limit for each)
- NPC for spawning vehicles for instructors (Freely setup vehicles)
- Point system for licenses
- Restrict vehicles to certain licenses (can't enter unless you have that specific license)
- Easily add more licenses and edit theory tests
- Supports ezJobs and DConfig
- Supports bLogs and mLogs
- Translation system, currently supports English, French, German, Korean, Russian, Slovak and Turkish
Extract the folder "drivinglicensesystem" and "tbfy_shared_v2" to your addons folder
Spawn and use the "Setup SWEP" from the (Q)Sandboxmenu->Weapons->ToBadForYou->Setup Swep
Use the checkpoint tool to setup the practical test, how to set it up is showcased in the setup video. Other than that you now use the Setup SWEP to setup the different entities.
The Setup SWEP is also used to configure the config (some are still setup with the sh_di_config.lua inside the lua/tbfy_di folder)
Banners, icons and license frame created by DaViCyYo
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v1.6.0b Release - Computer System (FalkOS)
by ToBadForYouIt's finally here! tbfy_shared v2 beta! View full announcement for information!
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