If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hi, Where I can put my photos for the theory test ? :)

I mean if people without special licenses cant enter specific LFS Vehicles. And if Instructor job is able to give whitelists through Billy Whitelist? And another question, it is possible to give whitelists for completing theory tests?

Hi! This addon supports LFS and Billy Whitelist?

Hello I am enormously interested by your addon and I wanted to know if it would be possible to translate languages into French and Spanish because I am French and I do Spanish in secondary language?
My discord is AzErY#8131

How does the hacking feature work?
I can't figure out how to get the user id of a player

omg nice updates

hello i the theory test is bug

Here is the stack call history :
Function : player.GetAll (Wiki page : )
Hook : GM:PostDrawTranslucentRenderables (Wiki page : )
File : addons/drivinglicensesystem/lua/weapons/driving_license/shared.lua
└►Line #151-> 27241 calls
Call History
#1 File:addons/drivinglicensesystem/lua/weapons/driving_license/shared.lua, Line #151
Stop using ents.GetAll in this hook, it's not a gamemode so you can't take so much perf. Your addon doesn't run on its own little island most of the darkrp server have a lot of addons, imagine if all of them were doing that ! 😱
Please fix this !

Can it be translated into any language?

Does this system save data at all or is it session based?

Okay i am wait update and buy script :)

It doesn't support Simfphys at the moment. It's planned for future updates. You can disable restrictments yes.

Simfphys support?
And i can disable a function that prohibits getting behind the wheel without rights, then the police simply have nothing to do.

How can we get rid of NPCs ?

Please write in English and open a support ticket.

bonjour je voulais vous redemander commment on suprim les pnj qui sont sauvegarder merci de me repondre :)

bonjour comment on suprim les pnj qui sont sauvgarder ?

I am very interested in the tool

@FrenchGX it's TBFYDIConfig.EnterVehicleRestrictionType : change the value to 1 or 2 instead of 3

Hello, I have a problem I would like that we do not have to have a license to drive, (so some vehicle) but I do not know or found the function to disabled the obligation to have the driver's license

Hello, on the script I currently have, when I spawn the license, the spawn chains not and I can not click on the computer how to do? Basically the script works half.

It's being fixed.