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In short
This addon adds a system that allows you to drill vaults and take its content to an escape van located on the map. Cops can interfere with your escape and return the bag to a police drop-off. The robbery system is based on PAYDAY 2.
You require LUA knowledge in order to make this work with other gamemodes.
Please leave feedback and suggestions in the comments area!
You can get the standalone DLC here
This addon adds a system that allows you to drill vaults and take its content to an escape van located on the map. Cops can interfere with your escape and return the bag to a police drop-off. The robbery system is based on PAYDAY 2.
- Security Cameras, can detect players holding weapons (Setup camera settings ingame by pressing E on the monitor)
- Deposit boxes (Can be lockpicked or blown open)
- Explosives (Blow open safes and security door)
- Keycard System (Police and bankers can use it without a card, criminal jobs has to obtain one to use the door, or use explosives on it)
- Detector system (Computer, Detector, Alarm)
- Hacking system to disable detector system
- Vaults (Can be drilled or blown open)
- Drill system to crack vaults
- Drills can be jammed and has to be restarted (can also be destroyed by damaging them)
- Weapon caches to raid for weapons
- Customize the contents of safes and deposit boxes: Model, Skins, Value and spawn chance
- Bagging, carrying and dropping bags
- Rewards for both criminals and police for drop-off
- Equipment system for Explosives and drills (Can pick up to be used later)
- Easily customized and configurable
- Inbuilt permanent save system for all entities (Accessable through chatcommand defined in config)
- Supports ezJobs
- Translation system - Languages available: Chinese, English, French, German, Slovak and Spanish
- Tons of custom 3D models and textures
Extract the folder "paydaybankrobbery" and "tbfy_shared" to your addons folder
Spawn and use the "Setup SWEP" from the (Q)Sandboxmenu->Weapons->ToBadForYou->Setup Swep
To setup the security card system, use the toolgun tool called "Security Door" under "ToBadForYou"
Bag icon made by smashicons
Explosive and Keycard icon made by Oliver (
Keycard and keycardscanner models made by Cryptic (
Security camera, detector, Deposit box, Duffel bag, Weapon cache and money pile models made by The One Free-Man (
Gold, Silver and Platinum models by Okxa (
Servers running this addon
1984 Orwellian Style RP
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Interest in future update and DLC(s)
by ToBadForYouIt's been almost 7 years since this addon was released and now you have a chance to affect its future development: Please fill out this form:
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- Counter-Strike Source
- DarkRP