PAYDAY Bank Robbery System [Customizable][Heists]

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ToBadForYou Author posted

TheStarHD All weapons are by default counted as illegal, you can add which weapons are legal in the configuration. It may also be set to detect if a certain job walks through it (e.g. if police walks through it's OK, if gangster walks through, detected)

TheStarHD Purchased posted


is that also possible to add new weapons there is not allowed?

ToBadForYou Author posted

TheStarHD It works, it can detect weapons and trigger the alarm connected to the detector.

TheStarHD Purchased posted
● edited

Hi ToBadForYou

Is the metal detector working or just decorating?

ToBadForYou Author posted

WelshBanana There's a form open currently where you can post suggestions for v2.0.0. (Check announcements)

swat posted

Hi !

Is there a way to change the banknotes face. We're working on a Swiss RP and would like to be the more realistic in all the graphics.


WelshBanana Purchased posted

Can we have a better way of placing deposit boxes down?

Harry_75 Purchased posted

Thank you for adding my suggestion ToBadForYou

ToBadForYou Author posted

You can add it to your collection. It should already make you download it upon join

Harry_75 Purchased posted

should we add it to our collection or should we just put the payday

ToBadForYou Author posted

Not "wanted". You can set it to trigger nearby alarms for drills and explosives. (If all alarms are disabled it will not trigger any alarms)

Only the detector and CCTV can autowanted players if players are carrying illegal weapons.

Skip Purchased posted

Is there an auto-wanted system in place for when you rob the vault?

BaRaKa posted

I don't have a van. how to spawn it?

xpuska Purchased posted

Can someone send here a links to the videos about this addon?

The links in desc are broken.

D3sReD Purchased posted
Hello, I do not know where to post this message so I post it here. I just found a model Payday 2 drill that could be a good improvement / novelty for your addon.
Here is the link steam workshop:
Moustachaus Purchased posted

Can we make that when we start drilling this activate the alarm ?

Mashy Purchased posted

I'll go to script support to prevent spamming here ^^

ToBadForYou Author posted

What do you mean? Which other addons? Please elaborate.

Mashy Purchased posted

Why can't I use the drill without having to grab it with the gravity gun ? Is it possible to make it compatible with other addons ?

GrandDaddySmoke Purchased posted

For some reason I don't have the bag in my ents?

ToBadForYou Author posted

Issue with workshop not allowing capital letters, I'm sorting it out once I'm home again.

Notika Purchased posted

Despite my subscription to the collection of your workshop, I do not see the scanners. Where to find the model?

GnastyGnorc Purchased posted

Can you please make an edition onto the cache cases so they can be broken open with a crowbar? Thanks.

ToBadForYou Author posted

Open a support ticket on the account that owns it.

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