Fixed triggering nearby alarms when holding E on safe to place drill
Security update
Safe error fix
Fixed drills not being properly removed from equipment
You can now enable drill as an equipment, similar to the explosives it is possible to pickup and then you may attach the drill on safes by holding E
Refactored some code
Config changes
.DrillAsEquipment added
You can now customize which entities should be restricted by amount of CPs, bankers and/or players
Config changes
.BankersRestriction added
.PlayersRestriction added
.CPsRestriction added
Fixed PaintButtons error.
Can now weld bags to vehicles if ownership on bags is enabled
Can now enable ownership on bags (set to last person who carried it)
Config changes
.ShowLastCarriedBag added
Keycard fix
Fixed issue with not being able to set depositbox type after last update
You can now set the location for each detector, if none is set it will use the config value
Config changes
.ExplosiveRemovedOnJobSwitch added
You can now set detectors to only detect weapon and/or job (global config)
You can now set detectors to only detect criminals, everyone except government or everyone (both for job and weapon detection)
Config changes
.DetectModeJob added
.DetectModeWeapon added
.DetectOnlyCrims deleted
New detector model - featuring lights
Detector can now detect illegal weapons
Added hook: pdrobbery_set_explosive arguments: player, entity
Config changes
.DetectorGreen added (for when passing detector without triggering)
.DetectorRed added (for when detector is triggered)
Renamed .CCTVWeaponWhitelist to .IllegalWeaponWhitelist (Used for detector and CCTV)
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