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THE V2 IS A COMPLETE RECODE, HOPE YOU ENJOY :D You'll also need to re-set everything up ;(
What is this?
Advanced Undercover System (AUS) is a system where players on your server (Police preferably) to go undercover as another job. This will make role-playing as a police officer on your server a lot more exciting, and a lot more fun!
- Ease of setting up
- 95% of setting up is done in-game
- Only reason to visit the config file is for simple editing
- Simple drag n' drop to install the system
- Highly configurable
- Little Admin System:
- Save NPCs in-game
- Add jobs to be able to go undercover as in-game
- Remove jobs in-game
- Here's a list of commands (Printed with the !fuscommands command.):
----------- LIST OF FRESH UNDERCOVER SYSTEM COMMANDS -----------!fusunwhitelist < player name/SteamID > - Unwhitelist a player, so they are only able to use the NPC when they are the correct job!!fuscommands - Display a full list of commands used by FUS!!fuswhitelist < player name/SteamID > - Whitelists a player to be allowed to use the NPC anytime, white being any job!!fusadmin - Opens up admin menu where you can configurate the system!!savefus - Saves all entities and job data!!undercoverlist - Prints a list of undercover players into console!----------- LIST OF FRESH UNDERCOVER SYSTEM COMMANDS END -----------
- User Interface:
- The UI design is very unique
- Buttons to go from one job to another
- Models have some nice poses/animations
- Misc.
- Go undercover with the click of a button
- User-friendly
- Unique UI design
- No need to restart after saving NPCs
- No need to restart after adding/removing jobs
- Easy to translate (Visit the config file)
- Very optimized (Minimum lag)
Much more features are to come as time goes by!
I suggest that you watch the video to see some of the features.
How to spawn NPCs:
- Spawn an Undercover NPC via the Q Menu (Q menu --> Entities --> Tupac's Items --> Fresh Undercover NPC)
- Type !savefus in-game to save the NPCs (as an admin+)
- Done
How to register/remove jobs:
- While in-game and admin ranked, type !fusadmin
- Navigate to the job you want to add/remove
- Click "Add" to add the job
- Click "Delete" to remove the job
- Server will automatically save your changes so it can be loaded on next server start
How to add custom checks to undercover jobs:
- When registering the job through !fus admin, select the rank/job editor.
- Insert a rank/job, add more by separating with a ',' only! ex. (superadmin,root,admin,etc)
- Same goes for jobs
- Click "Add/Edit"
Step 1: Drop the "freshundercoversystem" folder to your <maindir>/garrysmod/addons Step 2: 95% of the setting up is done in-game Step 3: Visit the lua/fus/sh_config.lua file to edit/add which jobs get to use the NPC or change admin ranks Step 4: Enjoy!
I offer support using the ScriptFodder ticket system. Please do NOT add me on Steam for support unless you feel like it's very urgent!
If you feel like supporting me further than just purchasing this script (<3), feel free to leave a positive review. However, if you feel like this doesn't deserve a positive review, hit me up with a support ticket or through Steam, and let me know why you think it doesn't, and I'll most likely fix it ;)
Report any bugs/errors through the ticket system or through Steam, thanks!
Keep in mind
As the script goes on, I while be updating and improving it constantly! This also means that the price might be increasing every couple of "big" updates, so if you're thinking of purchasing this script, I'd buy it before the price increases :D
Thanks, and have a great day!
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