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Hello, if i buy this script, is it possible to make it sells food with hungermod? If yes, can we restrict the acces to the vending machine when there are a TEAM_COOK online? (i'm nobody in LUA)

Please use the support ticket system for things like this. But to answer your question, replace Weapon
with Entity
, and remove the WeaponModel
pair. Weapon
is only to be used with SWEPs. Also, I'm not sure what the energy
field is for.

For the hungry how to do because its not working here is an example of my script
VendingMachines.AddItem { Name = "Pizza Pepperoni", Price = 150, energy = 50, Description = "", Weapon = "food_pepperonipizza", WeaponModel = "models/peppizza01/peppizza01.mdl" }

I can#t open support ticket beacause my Friend have bought this ADDONS

Open a support ticket.

Can you help me?

What's the category name in the Q menu?

Is it possible to remove a perm vending machine, whats the command in console?

i have no idea if this will work, but it looks cool!

Go into vend_gundealer.lua and in the VendingMachines.AddEntity() call add an "allowed = { TEAM_GUN }," line.

think im missing something here but when making it just for a gundealer where does it say TEAM_GUN and where would you add it if it was for say TEAM_DRUG ?

It's like that by default. You add them just as you would any other DarkRP entity, so you can just use allowed = { TEAM_GUN }.

And is there a way for me restrict the default vending machine to just the gundealer?

Restocking is possible, but as for choosing the weapons in the machine it would make more sense to just have different machine types accessible to the same job (pistol vendor vs rifle vendor, etc.).

Would it be possible to one day add so the jobs that own the vending machines can add their own items to it? So like a gundealer could add his own weapons to it and he has to keep stocking it up when he runs out.

You can add any entity or weapon you like. As for VIP, every system is a bit different so it doesn't support that out-of-the-box, but with a little Lua knowledge it should be pretty easy.

Can you edit the entities and weapons available? Also, is it possible to restrict the permanent vending machine to be a VIP only vending machine?

Yeah, you just spawn it from the Q menu, place it where you want and run a console command.

Is there a way to make permanent machines that spawn on map start up?

This looks awesome. GLWS

Maybe I didn't explain it very well, because that's what it does. Basically the server owner sets a base price, and then the player who owns the machine can set a markup percentage. If the base price was $20 and the owner of the machine had a 25% markup, when someone buys the item it will cost them $25 and the difference ($25 - $20 = $5) goes back to the machine's owner. This way, vending machine owners can compete with their prices and their earnings are based on the cut they take.

the thing that would make me buy these is if a percent of the money spent on items from the vending machine went back to its owner

Cool solution