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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.
In short
VoiceBox FX is a revolutionary Garry's Mod module that allows for serverside realtime voice chat FX, a long-requested feature for roleplay servers!
Want a live demo of VoiceBox FX?
Join the demo server and spawn in the VoiceBox FX weapons from the spawn menu.
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YES, seriously! This module processes player voice chat data in realtime and applies filters and effects to produce realtime voice chat FX.
Currently, VoiceBox FX has three effect options:
📻 Radio
Recommended for: MilitaryRP, DarkRP, PoliceRP, CityRP, Cops and Robbers
The radio effect is VoiceBox FX's star feature. This effect produces a convincing walkie-talkie-like sound and even adds a sprinkle of noise to make it sound like the voice chat is coming out of a real radio or walkie talkie.
This feature integrates with common radio scripts and automatically applies the effect when players are speaking through their radio. Players nearby will hear the normal voice data but players over the radio will hear the modulated voice data.
📞 Phone
Recommended for: DarkRP, CityRP
The phone effect is the brother of VoiceBox FX's star feature. This effect mimics the audio quality and distortion of a real phone call.
This feature integrates with common phone scripts and automatically applies the effect when players are speaking through their phone on a phone call. Players nearby will hear the normal voice data but players over the phone will hear the modulated voice data.
🌌 Stormtrooper
Recommended for: StarWarsRP
This effect is primary intended for StarWarsRP and mimics the effect of a Stormtrooper speaking through their helmet.
☢ Combine
Recommended for: Half-Life 2 RP
This effect is primary intended for Half-Life 2 RP and mimics the effect of a Combine Soldier speaking through their vocoder/helmet.
📣 Public Address System
Recommended for: DarkRP, StarWarsRP, Half-Life 2 RP
This effect adds an echoey reverb and mimics the sound of a public announcement system or megaphone.
🤫 Muffled
Recommended for: DarkRP, StarWarsRP, Half-Life 2 RP
This effect adds a muffled effect, great for realistic voice behind shields, in water, behind glass, etc.
😷 Masked
Recommended for: DarkRP, StarWarsRP, Half-Life 2 RP
This effect adds a "masked" effect, which is a more audible form of the "Muffled" effect, intended for masked players (e.g. gas masks, surgery masks, etc.)
Scripts Supported by VoiceBox FX
We 💝 developers! Check out the VoiceBox FX Wiki to integrate VoiceBox FX support into your own script or gamemode!
Accessory Scripts
Advanced Accessory by Kobralost
Radio Scripts
ARadio by akulla et al
DRadio by Dan
Realistic Radio by Kobralost et al
RDV Communications by Nicolas
Helio Radio by Umbra
Phone Scripts
APhone by akulla et al
SPhone by dontworry et al
McPhone by Mactavish et al
Intercom Scripts
RDV Intercom System by Nicolas
Job Voice FX
VoiceBox FX can be configured to automatically give jobs voice FX.
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddTeamFX(TEAM_POLICE, "Combine")
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddTeamFX(TEAM_STORMTROOPER, "Stormtrooper")
Usergroup Voice FX
VoiceBox FX can also be configured to automatically give players with a certain usergroup voice FX.
This is compatible with GmodAdminSuite's secondary usergroups feature.
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddUsergroupFX("combine-fx", "Combine")
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddUsergroupFX("stormtrooper-fx", "Stormtrooper")
Individual Voice FX
VoiceBox FX can also be configured to automatically give specific players certain voice FX.
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddPlayerFX("76561197960279927", "Combine")
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddPlayerFX("STEAM_0:1:7099", "Combine")
Accessory Voice FX
VoiceBox FX can also be configured to automatically give players with certain accessories voice FX.
To see which accessory scripts are supported, see "Supported Scripts" above
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddAccessoryFX("Ginger Bread", "Stormtrooper")
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddAccessoryFX("Helmet", "Combine")
Model Voice FX
VoiceBox FX can also be configured to automatically give players with a certain playermodel voice FX.
VoiceBox.FX.Config:AddModelFX("models/player/combine_soldier_prisonguard.mdl", "Combine")
Bodygroup Voice FX
VoiceBox FX can also be configured to automatically give players with a certain playermodel and bodygroup voice FX.
-- Model
-- Bodygroup Name or ID
-- Bodygroup Value
-- Voice FX
😳 The Problem
Performance is one of VoiceBox FX's biggest concerns.
Processing voice chat data is not easy. It requires:
1. Decompressing the voice data stream (clients send compressed data to the server)
2. Applying any processing or transformations
3. Recompressing the voice data
4. Broadcasting it to the rest of the server, or to a select group of clients
😇 How VoiceBox Manages It!
1. Voice data that doesn't have any FX applied is simply skipped. VoiceBox FX has near zero additional overhead for voice data that requires no extra processing.
2. Voice data processing is multithreaded. Voice data is never processed on the main thread, which would lag the living hell out of the server. VoiceBox FX simply delegates the processing to the other CPU cores of your machine, which are typically not very busy for Garry's Mod servers. Therefore, VoiceBox FX works great on servers with a high number of cores, and it's common for Garry's Mod server machines to have 8 cores, or 16 threads, which is more than enough to process the voice data of 128 players all talking at once.
3. VoiceBox FX is compiled specifically for modern CPUs, allowing for advanced optimizations and extremely speedy processing.
4. VoiceBox FX maintains an internal queue (ring buffer) of voice data that needs processing. If that queue fills up, the data is simply sent unprocessed to keep the server running smoothly.
Do you have an idea for new voice FX?
Is something you want not listed above?
Can the voice FX be applied to audio data in a streaming fashion?
Can the voice FX be applied using basic Audacity filters and effects?
You might just have an idea for voice FX that Gmod can handle. Get in touch and I'll see what I can do!
Wanna add VoiceBox FX to your script? Check out the VoiceBox FX Wiki!
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4.30 average based on 9 reviews
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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.
Product details
- Windows/Linux Server
- Server CPU with SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, FMA, AVX (~2013 Intel, ~2015 AMD) - you probably have this!
- SRCDS server