VPet πŸ¬β€‹ - The Pet System You Need

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In short

πŸ¦†β€‹ Bring life to your server with VPets! This addon allows players to have their own virtual pets. Perfect for DarkRP, Sandbox, or any other gamemode, VPets add a layer of personality and fun to any Garry's Mod server!πŸ‹

The VPet System 🐾 is a comprehensive pet system designed for Garry's Mod that allows players to own, manage, and interact with pets. Whether for roleplay or gameplay enhancement, this addon adds an immersive layer by giving players the ability to collect, summon, and remove pets at will. Administrators also have full control to manage players' pets through commands.

  • Pet Collection πŸ•πŸˆ: Players can collect a variety of pets. The pets are stored in the database and can be summoned and managed by the player at any time.

  • Customizable Pet List πŸ¦œπŸ‡: Thanks to this system, any NPC found on the Garry's Mod Workshop can be transformed into a pet, giving you endless possibilities to customize your server's pet collection.

  • Database Integration πŸ“Š: Pets are saved in a SQL database using a unique SteamID, ensuring that players' pets are persistent across sessions.

  • Player Ownership 🐾: Players can obtain the pets you configure. Pets can be purchased with in-game currency from your gamemode or can be restricted to exclusive access via a command, such as through your in-game shop. Additionally, you can restrict pets by player ranks, allowing certain pets to be available only to specific groups or ranks on your server. This gives you full flexibility on how pets are distributed, whether as rewards, purchases, or rank-based privileges.

  • Pet Purchase Menu πŸ›’: Players have access to a dedicated menu where they can browse and purchase pets. This menu displays the available pets, their prices, and any restrictions (such as rank or currency). It allows players to seamlessly acquire pets directly in-game, using the money from your gamemode's economy or through other means, based on how you configure the pet system.

  • Admin Commands πŸ› οΈ: Admins have the ability to add pets to players through simple console commands.

  • Compatibility πŸ’»: Although primarily designed for DarkRP, the addon should work with any gamemode. If any compatibility issues arise, players can open a support ticket, and we'll ensure proper integration with other gamemodes.

  • In-Game Configuration βš™οΈ: The system includes an in-game configuration menu that allows server admins to modify settings without requiring a server reboot.

Administrators can use the following command to add a pet to any player by their SteamID:

add_pet <steamid> <petName>


add_pet 76561197960287930 "Dog"

This command will add the specified pet (in this case, "Dog" πŸ•) to the player's pet list, which they can then summon in-game.

The VPet System is designed with performance in mind:

  • Efficient Database Queries 🐾: Queries to the database are made only when necessary (e.g., when adding or retrieving pets), reducing unnecessary server load.
  • Data Caching πŸ±β€πŸ: Pet data is stored in a table for each player, minimizing repetitive queries to the database and improving response times.
  • Optimized Network Usage 🌐: Networking between clients and the server is optimized using efficient net message structures, ensuring that data transfer is minimal and not taxing on the server or clients.
  • Cooldown System ⏲️: Built-in cooldowns prevent abuse of commands like pet summoning or deletion, which can help reduce server strain.

This addon has been designed to be lightweight and to have minimal impact on the server's performance πŸ¦„, making it suitable for high-population servers or servers with other resource-intensive addons.

Drag and Drop:

Download the addon and extract the folder directly into the addons folder on your server.

The path should be:garrysmod/addons


Add this to your server collection : CLICK HERE FOR CONTENT


Add this to your server collection : CLICK HERE FOR LIBRARY


Navigate to lua/vpet/shared/sh_vpet_config.lua to adjust the settings according to your preferences.

MySQL Setup (Optional):

If you are using MySQL, enable it in the config file. Then, go to vpet/lua/vpet/server/sv_vpet_database.lua and enter your MySQL credentials between lines 6 and 12.

Add Any NPC as a Pet:

You can add any NPC found on the Garry's Mod Workshop to your server’s pet collection by configuring them in game.

In-Game Configuration:

You can manage your pets directly in-game through the built-in menu, with no need for server restarts.

Use the in-game admin command /adminpet to add pets directly via the in-game configuration menu, where you can configure and manage your NPC pets on the fly.

For detailed instructions, check out our YouTube video tutorial for a step-by-step guide.

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  • DarkRP
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