VPet 🐬​ - The Pet System You Need

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Lucas Author posted

Yup, that should work.

However, if you run into any issues, feel free to reach out—I’ll be happy to help!



Guushi posted

I assume this will work just fine with prop hunt/ttt right? The original versions of both. I'm about to purchase it soon. My players would lov eto have this

Lucas Author posted


Thanks for the feedback!

I’m a bit busy with school at the moment, but I’ll work on an update for the addon in the next few days!


Cheese Man Purchased posted
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Some feedback after purchase and initial testing

  • Increase general size of UI or fonts, caught myself having to squint frequently or get closer just to read text(s)
  • Bug/feedback Price of pets displaying $0 despite not being that
  • QOL change to auto return to adminpet menu when done with a pet or at least a <-- back arrow when you're done
  • Would love to possibly see an update to allow pets to give you buffs/abilities like
  • Increase HP, Reduce DMG, faster walk/run speed, jump buff, Increase DMG, Swim faster, Increase salary payout by a %

Love the addon already and can't wait for more updates and potentially new features :)

Lucas Author posted

Hey :p It will be added soon ! I'll let you know !

Thanks for your comment.


Jeff jefferson posted

would be cool if pets followed player with animations and not like theyre ghosts, then id buy

Lucas Author posted

Salut ! Tu peux ouvrir un ticket pour qu'on puisse regarder ca ?

Cordialement, Lucas.

Théo Purchased posted

Bonjour, l'addons à un petit bug et qu'il n'affiche pas le prix que l'on mets et la rotation est un peu compliqué à géré

Vitroze Gaming Author posted

Bonjour benjamin delgodas [P'titMurder],

Je vous invite a ouvrir un ticket

Vitroze Gaming Author posted

Hello XaZ,

We're in the process of implementing the features and improving the addon ;)

benjamin delgodas [P'titMurder] posted

Bonjour merci de régler votre addon vous avez oublier de mettre une net au niveau du shared cela génère une erreur et tu ne peut pas ouvrir le menu merci d'avance de votre réponse

XaZ posted

Hi Lucas nice to hear this! Also is there any news?

Lucas Author posted

Thank you for this comment! Im actually new on gmod as a dev, i'll try my best to improve that! Give me a few days, i'll update this ;p

XaZ posted

I love the idea, the facts that you setup a pet more easily compare to other addons is awesome. But the way the pet follow the player in the video is a bit weird, if there's a future improvement to make the pet follow the player in a more realistic way and not like it's welded to the player I would buy it.

-The player could move without the pet reacting instantly, somewhat like others shop addons with pets do, would be great.

I'll follow the futures updates,

Il reste du taff, mais bonne idée en générale!

Lucas Author posted

Thank you !

YoWaitAMinute posted

GLWS, nice idea!

Ethjuro posted


Jack O Neill posted

Sometimes I wonder how some of these scripts get accepted.

As Crap-Head said the UI is bad, it's like a throwback to 2014, with a poor choice of colors and no effort at all.

The pet itself has a strange way of following the character, with more effort it could have been much better.

Indecisive posted

Ui could definitely use some work, None the less good addon :) GLWS

Crap-Head posted
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You could start by correcting all your margins and alignment. Maybe this helps https://i.imgur.com/rQnuX6G.png

Similar flaws are in the other menus, but I've just drawn them on the primary one to give you an idea of how bad it is.

Vitroze Gaming Author posted

Hi Crap-Head

Thank you for your comment, we are working internally on future updates of VPet, we have taken note of your opinion and in a future update we will give the possibility to add “capabilities” when we wear a Pet. Every opinion counts, and this will help improve the quality of the addon.

For your information, console commands reserved either for the Console or for the person who has a precise rank (configurable) is already possible in the addon, we did this for the implementation of PET in an external store. Here are the commands:

add_pet SteamID64 NamePet

remove_pet SteamID64 NamePe

get_player_pets SteamID64

As for the UI, we've decided to go for something simple in the team color scheme. If there are any graphical errors, we'll correct them in a future update.

Wishing you a pleasant evening,

Best regards,


Crap-Head posted

Nice idea! I think there's definitely a demand for pets addon in gmod and this addon has great potential! However, I think your addon is lacking in both features and UI.

Like Cheese Man said, the ability for pets to have buffs or other abilities is crucial. You could also support for xp systems (level requirements) and perhaps console commands to give pets (to be used with donator systems) that doesn't require an admin in-game. You can also add a 3d2d display above the NPC, as that is pretty standard.

Currently the addon has nothing to attract buyers other than an NPC that follows you?

I'm personally not anywhere near a decent designer, but your UI is bad. The margins are inconsistent, the color choice isn't great and the font is very bad.

I'd 100% recommend you completely redo the design. You could pay someone 30-40 bucks to do a mockup for you of a good design, and then code it or you can find a lot of inspiration online on google.

The description is also clearly written in AI and I'm unsure if it actually reflects properly your limitations of the addon? Especially the "pets purchase menu" feature. The "optimization" tab is also IMO just a bunch of things that should be obvious. Instead, if you want to point out optimization, you should explain how you've achieved a lightweight solution. It's expected that you do efficient queries, cache date and optimized networking for addons on gmodstore :)


Strange posted

Pointshop is free

Cheese Man Purchased posted

Would love to purchase this if/when that's added :)

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