VPolice 👮‍♂️- The system adapts to your server's rp style!

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The system adapts to any rp style on your server!

VPolice 👮‍♂️ is a system designed for all types of RP, whether DarkRP, SCP RP or Star Wars. VPolice takes realism and interaction with the MDT 💻 (Mobile Data Terminal) a step further. MDT is an abbreviation used by the American police, and I based mine on these systems. It's based on a simple, modern UI that requires very little downloading by the user 💾.

The addon contains an MDT, an in-game configuration system and a rank/fine system. Although some modules require additional addons from outside Team Vitroze to work.

Be careful not to drag the PCs. Players can only access the computer. On-board computers in vehicles cannot be accessed other than as citizens.

MDT Panel 💻 :

  • Login Page : If you are not logged into the account, you will land on the login page. This page is only used to log in. To create an account, only your superiors or staff members can do it. The password is not stored 'in plain text,' meaning it is protected by SHA cryptography. In case of a data breach, your passwords are secured. However, I strongly advise against using passwords that you commonly use, because the person who created your account will know the password. Additionally, any encrypted password is eventually crackable, so it will never be 'protected for life.

  • Home: When you arrive on this page without a grade, you only have access to the announcements published by your superiors. However, when you have permission to post an announcement, you can post, delete the announcement and choose its “priority”, you can choose between “Urgent”, “Warning”, “Info” with their respective colors.

  • Agents : This category is the dispatch. It will allow the assignment of patrols, creation or deletion of patrols, and modification of the patrol's status (configurable).

  • Agents statistics : This category allows you to view the activity of agents with a rank (account creation required) over the upcoming days, weeks, and months. Note that this is manual; you must reset the hours and the number of fines manually via the 'Reset' button.

  • Criminal Record : The criminal record is a useful tool for most servers. Generally, servers use Google Sheets, an Excel document, or do it outside of Garry's Mod. With this category, fines (which can be configured to be added to a criminal record) are automatically recorded. This record is never removed, and only the SuperAdministrator can remove fines for each individual, individually.

  • Transport: This module is currently reserved for those who have the L² License Plates addon. It allows you to search for a vehicle and issue a search notice. In a future update, license plates will be managed independently of the L² License Plates system.

Configuration In-Game 👮‍♂️ :

  • The in-game configuration allows you to modify addon options in real-time. Please note that some features, such as compatibility between addons or languages, require a server restart. I also recommend doing this with few players on the server to avoid any desynchronization issues (during my tests, there were none).
  • A simple system that allows you to place, delete, and save PCs using the 'Toolgun'.

Other 🧷 :

  • A system that allows you to check if your version is up to date or not, without causing performance losses to the server

If the player is in the right job and has access to the command, certain console commands can be executed. These are listed below:

For all the following commands with the setrank example, if the player is not superadmin, but can create an account, he cannot assign a rank higher than his own. In other words, if he's a captain with an immunity of 80, he can't appoint someone as chief with an immunity of 99.

  • vpolice_createaccount PLAYER (RPName, SteamID64, SteamID32,Player must be logged in) sRank sUserName sPassword
  • vpolice_resetdata (Reserved for the SuperAdmin, this allows you to reset the hours and number of fines for the entire saved database.)
  • vpolice_setrank PLAYER (RPName, SteamID64, SteamID32,Player must be logged in) sRank
  • vpolice_viewaccount PLAYER (RPName, SteamID64, SteamID32,Player must be logged in) Displays the person's rank and account name
  • vpolice_editaccount PLAYER (RPName, SteamID64, SteamID32,Player must be logged in) sRank sUserName sPassword
  • vpolice_removeaccount PLAYER (RPName, SteamID64, SteamID32,Player must be logged in) : Delete the account, i.e. put the rank at the first immunity
  • vpolice_transfertdata_ranks sType (Available : mrs) sGroup (Name of the category where grades are stored (see image below) bReset (Delete grades stored in VPolice ? ("true" if you want to do it, otherwise leave blank)

In the upcoming updates, you will have the following new features:

  • A real-time map showing the positions of police vehicles (can be disabled). These vehicles will have a custom icon and two types of icons (Police and SWAT).
  • A license plate system independent from the one currently available on Gmodstore.
  • An ALPR (Automated License Plate Recognition) system, which allows you to retrieve the vehicle's speed, check if it is wanted in a realistic manner, and display three dimensions on the vehicle's onboard computer.

Drag and Drop

  • To install the addon, simply take the .zip file you downloaded and drag it into the garrysmod/addons folder.


  • To ensure your players see the menu correctly, you will need to install the content here and place it either in FastDLL or directly in your server collection.


  • The library is necessary for the addon to function properly. You can find it here. It is recommended to keep it under its Workshop version in case of a library update.

MySQL / SQLite

  • You can configure the backup of your data in MySQL (which will be stored in an external database) and in SQLite, which will be stored in sv.db
  • To configure the database, this will be done directly through the files for added security. The file is located in vpolice/config/sv_config.lua

If you are on this page, you are a developer. First, we'll look at how compatibility works on my addon and how to implement it, followed by the addon's useful functions.

Compatibility :

You have two files at your disposal: one loaded server-side only (vpolice/server/sv_compatibilities.lua) and one loaded server-side and client-side, i.e. shared (vpolice/shared/sh_compatibilities.lua). I advise you to do this in the files mentioned above

For each new compatibility, you'll need to update it in vpolice/sh_config_frame.lua and add the option. You only need to modify tChoices

Example :

1. Phone 📱

For the phone, you'll need the VPolice.Compatibility[“phone”] table. In this table you need to name your key VPolice.Compatibility[“phone”][Name of addon], the value of this table will be a function containing only the SteamID64. Once done, you can write the function.

Example :

2 . ATM 🏧

Same principle as above, except that this table must have a client and server side (shared) and a server side only.

On the shared side, you need to initialize the fGetMoneyFromBankAccount function, which retrieves the player's money from his bank account. There's no need to do this if the player is invalid.

You can see an example with the CH ATM

On the server side, we'll need two functions, fTakeMoneyFromBankAccount to withdraw money from the account if the player doesn't have enough on him in the event of a fine, and fLoadOverride to launch the function override (Override of the function to add money to the player's bank account). if the player recovers money and puts it into his account, which will be automatically removed. However, you need to add security to your hook to prevent the money from going into the negative.

Same principle, no need to include a case if the player is disabled. The arguments to the function are pPlayer (PLAYER) and iAmount (the price of the fine, which must be positive).

3. License Plates 💻

For license plates you need the server side only. You'll need two functions: fReadByPlate, which gives you the vehicle's information and its license plate, and fReadBySteamID, which lets you do a reverse search, getting the license plate via its steamid and the vehicle.

In terms of arguments, you have :

* fReadByPlate : sPlate (string), fCallback (function)

* fReadBySteamID : sSteamID (string), sCar (string, vehicle class), fCallback (function)

4. Car Dealer 🚙

For the car dealer you need to be on the server side and have two functions. The functions are fReadCar, which retrieves vehicles from players, and fGetDataCars, which retrieves vehicle information.

The arguments are :

* fReadCar : SteamID64 (string), fCallback (function)

* fGetDataCars: vehicle ID (number, see example with realistic car dealer compatibility code)

Warning: for fReadCar you need to anticipate whether the player is on the server, otherwise there's a risk that compatibility will cause the addon to crash.

We're done with compatibilities.

Most of the useful functions are in vpolice/shared/sh_meta and vpolice/server/sv_function.lua.

You can retrieve the grade name, perform setranks and much more.

If you'd like to support the VPolice addon, you can help translate 🇬🇧 it.

You can find the basic language file (in english) at the link below 🌎 : https://pastebin.com/raw/d7z7JN2z 💻

Please send me a private message for any translation added. Thanks to all those who will help with the translation of this addon.

You can see below the people who helped translate addon:

My system is compatible with the following addons :

  • GmodAdminSuite Logs : System of logs when a person receives a fine and when a person takes money out of the bank. I was only able to do this with this addon because I only have this log system at my disposal.
  • L² License Plates : Search by license plate. For the time being, you must have this addon if you want to have the module.
  • MCPhone and APhone : These compatibilities serve only to add more realism: when you search for a person (via the criminal records module), an additional piece of information will appear, and this will be the telephone number. You don't have to buy this module, as by default you'll still have a phone number based on the MCPhone.
  • CH ATM and GlorifiedBanking : This compatibility allows people to pay via their bank account only if they don't have enough money with them. It also allows you to withdraw money from your bank account until your “debt” is paid.
  • Realistic Car Dealer : This compatibility just adds a touch of realism: when you search for a person (via the criminal records module), information will appear about the cars they own.

For any compatibility request, please ask me either in the chat room of this addon, or as a ticket. I can't guarantee that this will be done, as I'll need to have a legal addon to apply compatibility. For developers, please go to the “Developer” section.

Please note: It is not compatible with any character system. I took this liberty because each character system manages its saves differently. This one will allow the developer, if he wishes, to make my criminal record compatible with each character. If he has any difficulties, please open a gmodstore ticket.

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English, Turkish, French, Spanish
  • DarkRP
  • VLib (Workshop, Addon Library)
  • CSSContent (Only if you take the default model)
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