VPolice 👮‍♂️- The system adapts to your server's rp style!

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Vitroze Gaming Author posted

Hello Tyler J,

I don't prefer to put the trello in public because I use it for just about everything, whether it's private commands, updates or simply the creation of other gmodstore addons. Especially when I have an idea I write it down in my native language (i.e. French), so it won't be very understandable for everyone 😉

Best regards,


Tyler J Purchased posted

Is there a public trello for this addon?

Vitroze Gaming Author posted

Hello Zackyo,

I decided not to create a table to prevent them from accessing the menu at any time (when they're on foot). However, if they're in a police vehicle (configured by the server administration), it's possible to open the menu. The policeman won't have to stay in the office, but he'll need a police vehicle.

Best regards,


Vitroze Gaming Author posted
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Hello DrLegend,

For the moment, it doesn't have a prison system, but it can be added for more “realism”, although this will be done directly via an NPC. It currently has an APB system for vehicles. However, for the next update it will be possible to issue a warrant only on a person.

If you need addon compatibility or a new category for CCTV addons, this will be possible, but you'll have to open a ticket.

For MRS compatibility, I recently sent a message to the addon creator to get the free addon and make it compatible.

Best regards,


Zackyo posted


It would've been a great option to also make a tablet for the Police to use when they are out on duty aswell, so It's isn't always required to be stationary at the office.

Kobralost Moderator posted


DrLegend posted
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I just have a few questions.

Does your addon has or plan to have ?

- Jail system

- Warrant/Wanted options.

- CCTV (or compatibility with CCTV addon)

- MRS (Advanced Rank System) compatibility

And GLWS :)

Fedox [GER] posted


but please fix the alignment of the icons/text

YoWaitAMinute posted


Vitroze Gaming Author posted

Hello TheStarHD,

I'll make it compatible for the next update.

Wishing you a good day,

Best regards,


TheStarHD Purchased posted
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Vitroze Gaming

Can you Support https://github.com/GlorifiedPig/GlorifiedBanking

Pls, thank you and nice Addon.

Indecisive posted


Bobninou posted


Vitroze Gaming Author posted

Thanks !

LL-fofo-yt-LL posted
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Tom.bat Moderator posted


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