⚠️ Warning System | Manage your server much better

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Slawer Author posted

This isn't something provided right now, but this might be a good idea that we could implement in a future release Neko45

Neko45 posted

does the traditional !warn <playername> <reason> still work as a chat command?

Slawer Author posted

This is just a notification saying "You've been warned" in the top right corner (like other notifications but in orange). Send me a DM if you want to get a screenshot faster.

Torbjörn Purchased posted

Slawer would you mind posting a screenshot when you get the chance? I don't see what that'd look like anywhere in the screenshots.

Slawer Author posted

Cookieman768 the warned player gets a notification saying he has been warned (like other notifications in our system).

Torbjörn Purchased posted

Question before I buy - what does it look like to receive a warning?

Slawer Author posted

ZestyNaHalff there is, open a ticket for support.

ZestyNaHalff Purchased posted

No chat command?

BenJ Purchased posted

dang kk, thanks

Slawer Author posted
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Lion For the moment, we didn't plan any sale

BenJ Purchased posted

Sale when lol

Slawer Author posted

Hello młody multi,

A normal player just sees his name, his red/orange/green texts and the list of the warns. It's also depending on the permissions you set. But the menu adapts well depending on what you want the user to see

młody multi posted


Can we see how the player that is warned see the warns?

Slawer Author posted

Deltaa yes, SQLite and MySQL

Deltaa posted

There is mysql support?

Slawer Author posted

Once a warning is set, you cannot change its duration, however, you can delete it and put it again within a few seconds and you should get something pretty similar.

Once a warning is expired, the point it to still have it and know it exists, so the whole point of expiration date is to keep an active and inactive part, the delete part is here for that.

As you own the add-on, feel free to open a ticket for any support.

Cypress Purchased posted

Is it possible to add a feature to add the ability of a predefined length of time for the warning put onto a player stays active? Also is it possible for them to self delete when the are not active any longer? If possible that would be LEGENDARY :)

Slawer Author posted
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I do not know what's that so I guess that no.

Matrix posted

Does it support D3A? Slawer

Matrix posted

I really like the context menu method. Goodluck!

Slawer Author posted
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Heaven it is compatible with some admin mods, as an example, any "Ban" threshold uses ULX / xAdmin / serverguard / SAM (or fallback to GMod default if you do not have any of them). If you need more information about admin mods compatibilities, feel free to send me a DM.

Heaven posted

Is it compatible with: SAM, Xadmin, CAMI ?

Slawer Author posted

Thanks guys!

Livaco we made this system like that to be able to add permissions very easily (without having to go in each translation file each time you add a new permission) while being still easy to understand for everyone..

BenJ Purchased posted


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