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In short
Customizable weapon selection wheel similar to GTA 5 selector design with quick switch!
For a long time I didn't like the panel of weapon selection from Half Life 2. Panel isn't convenient and has a design that has long been tired of. But now I present to you new selection wheel!
This selection wheel much more convenient to use than the weapon selection from HL2. It has a beautiful design. Now you can switch between weapons much faster! Opens by pressing the assigned key. Or use the mouse wheel for even faster switching!
✔️ Convenient use.
✔️ Quick switch.
✔️ Beautiful design.
✔️ Convenient setup.
✔️ Customizable colors.
✔️ Sound accompaniment.
✔️ Customizable weapon icons.
✔️ Displays the amount of ammunition.
✔️ Has own icons of basic sweps from gmod and darkrp.
✔️ Quick switching using number keys and mouse wheel.
✔️ Addon's materials will be downloaded from the workshop on connecting to the server.
- Simply drop folder 'selectorwheel' to addons folder. (Sample: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons")
- Start the game and enjoy of quick switching and beautiful design of you're custom selection wheel!
How it use
Everything is simple. Just hold down the assigned key (by default G), drag the mouse to the desired section and use the mouse wheel to change weapons in the section. Or, if all the weapons are positioned as you need, use the mouse wheel to quickly switch between sections.
I will try to fix all possible errors and shortcomings. It is very important for me that the ticket format is as follows:
- If there is, then the ticket should have a console error related to my addon.
- Also in the ticket should preferably be an image of what is happening on your screen.
- Please explain in details what is happening in your game so that I can quickly understand what the mistake is.
How to open the weapon selection wheel?
By default, the G key is in the settings. You can change the key in the addon's settings.
selection wheel don't respond to the mouse wheel or the number keys on the keyboard.
The wheel responds to standard Garry's mod bindings. The same bindings as the standard weapon selector. Set all your bindings to default, or bind keys you need in main menu of the game.
How to open addon'S settings?
Open the game console and enter selector_settings there.
How to change the color of the weapon selection wheel?
Open the addon's settings, as described above, here you can configure a lot of things. Everything is described in detail in the "Settings and customizing" tab.
HOW I Can add / change swEp's icons?
To replace the icons for weapons from other addons, simply put the file with the name of the weapon class (for example: weapon_crossbow) to the addon’s 'materials' folder (.../garrysmod/addons/selectorwheel/materials).
Images must be 512p x 512p size and have .PNG format.
If nothing changes, then you should restart the game or the server!
[ Server content ] It is not necessary to be subscribed. Addon's materials will be automatically downloaded from the workshop on connecting to the server.
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