If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Does this system sell shipments as well?

Hey I always get this error when I add entities into the shop system. Furthermore, if I press on buy it literally does neither take my money or spawn the entity.
[williamsshopsystem] addons/williamsshopsystem/lua/autorun/server/wss_buy.lua:53: attempt to compare string with number
1. BuyItem - addons/williamsshopsystem/lua/autorun/server/wss_buy.lua:53
2. func - addons/williamsshopsystem/lua/autorun/server/wss_buy.lua:96
3. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:32

Fixed update

Updated file: server/wss_functions.lua
Fixed for new version of gmod

Hello, tell me please, why can not I use other languages when creating things, for example Russian?

Hey is there a way to limit the amout of item you can purchase ?

Can I use Russian to create items and shops?

I mean It works so no need for any support tickets or bad reviews ^^

LubbiLP2.0, hmm that is a fair point, I made this a very long time ago and the updates didn't really change the core code, I should rewrite it to make it better on that aspect :o

This is a great script and easy to use, my only problem is that I get kicked with a overflow when I try to copy a shop which might be due to the amount of items in it or because I am playing on a potato.


Thanks, and its a "L" :P

rievet, !adminshop

How to delete a shop?

@coranthinr you need to download perma prop tool gun

UP ?

Hello, I have a problem? When I clean up the shop gets off and does not respawn! Can we fix that?

PanBooDa, atm only buy :)

Hi, i was wondering if its possible for player to buy and sell items with the shop?

Mason you rotate it and move it as you want then you type !editshop and save it

hey. how do you move the shop to stay in a new location/direction. because it only faces one direction and once spawned in one location, it cant be moved then saved. only the location of the item spawn can be edited. The vending machines all face one direction.

Hey I have the shop system installed in my server but it is not working any tips ?

tyrex please accept me in steam

Hello Williams, I have a problem I buy the addons but I have not received it, do you have a solution?