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INSTALL: DarkRP.createEntity( "Shelf", { ent = "shelf", model = "models/props_c17/FurnitureShelf001b.mdl", price = 200, max = 6, cmd = "buyshelf", })
change price if you wish and put it in /garrysmod/addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/entities.lua
This is a simple addon that allows your players to purchase a shelf entity, on which they can place weapons/food, set a price and then other players can purchase the item.
A configuration file with colors/messages/texts is available, but no need to do any modifications, simply place the folder into "addons".
Currently supports:
- FA:S Weapons
- M9K Weapons
- Half-Life 2 Weapons
- DarkRP food
It should support every weapon that you can /drop in DarkRP, worst case scenario is that the weapon name will be "a weapon" on the display, because not all weapons has the weapon names set in the same way, so if you find this tell me and I will add support for those weapons.
If you have a need for any other weapons/items, please let me know and I can add this.
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