William's Simple Shelves [DarkRP]

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Gordon Purchased posted

Do you think you could add support for money printers

Gosh1017 posted

Yeah I already bought it but I liked the way the weapons are displayed physically

Busan Author posted

Gosh1017 you can do so with this addon: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/william-s-shop-system-darkrp

and make an NPC / Prop that sells (or gives) guns. but only cops can use it

Gosh1017 posted

Hi, can we make a permanent shop? For example if I want to use this for my cops, and the weapons automatically respawn every x time.

Flank posted

I have a suggestion, could you add it to where the shelve could hold a shipment? That way each shelf doesn't have to be a single gun or entity.

Busan Author posted

Arkaxe next time please make a ticket, but you nedeed to add this weapon class like if it's called bla_weapon_ak47 etc, add bla_ in thesettings :)

Arkaxe Purchased posted

Markus posted

Can you make like permanent shelves that keep weapons there? Like if I wanted to have a store that stays there and sells unlimited guns from it and never disappears from the server?

Busan Author posted

Markus not sure what you mean but check server/wss_functions.lua there you can copy the weapon function, but it currently just spawns based on the weapon entity name like weapon_bla you just put whatever you like?

Markus posted

How would one add more weapon bases too it? I want to use it with TFA weapons

Busan Author posted

Sir Prassa no sorry

Sir Prassa posted

It support more than 1 weapon?

Жирафик Тони Purchased posted

Great work

Sylar 108 posted

I mean like, you can set a limit yourself and you can, from it, add more than one weapon on the shelf. Which mean like, if the defined limit is 5, you can buy 5 ak, add them all on the same shelf. And when someone buy one the sold ak is replaced by a another one ak until all 5 ak are sold.

Busan Author posted

Sylar how do you mean that should work, should it like withdraw money from the dealer? Just to point out that the idea of this is to make it a little realistic like in real life where you pick items from shelves but the gun dealer can't just go afk :P

Sylar 108 posted

Are you able to make it able to automatically replace the sold weapon? Could be great

Busan Author posted

only one at a time and then the gun dealer puts a new Sylar

Sylar 108 posted

Does "buyers" are only allowed to buy the weapon one time? Or the gundealer can add multiples weapons on the same shelf?

Hoplox Purchased posted

When players buy it, if the shelf is against the wall it glitches into it. Can we just have it so it spawns into inventory?

Busan Author posted

Hoplox what wall?

Hoplox Purchased posted

Is it possible to have it spawn directly to the buyers inventory when they have purchased it? It glitches behind the wall 99% of the time..

Busan Author posted

the file addons/shelves/lua/autorun/shelf_settings.lua

remove the DarkRP.addEntity part from there :p

AGNick Purchased posted

I have the same problem @william as Hoplox, What do you mean "settings file"? Sorry for being a noob D:

Busan Author posted

hoplox you have probably added the shelf into your darkrp entities file, since last update its also being added in the settings file, so remove it from the settings file and it will not give error

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