If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
are there a certain type of models you can only use for the npc? most of the ones i try for xenin npc's A-pose and only have animated head

Is there a way to attach the progress of the battlepass to a player level instead of doing challenges to unlock stuff ?

Any discounts/coupons ;) ?

If you search command :
battlepass_give_pass <id64>
battlepass_remove_pass <id64>
battlepass_give_tier <id64> <tier>

Hola me encanto este addons pero al momento de descargarlo me suelta error por la razon de que este complemento lo quiero tener para TTT Pero me tira errores en el battle pass por la razon que esos Items No Estan En TTT Podrian traer tambien el Battle Pass Para TTT Sin ningun error gracias:(

Hello, is it possible to make people win playermodels?

If this could support tStore - Fortnite Style Shop (Permanent Weapons) (Dark Theme) · gmodstore then I would 100% get this.
Also is it possible to give pointshop items and not just points?

I’m gonna buy this addon soon, I was wondering if it’s possible to make certain usergroups have the premium battle pass instead of buying the premium version. Also is there player/npc kill challenges?

What cosmetics/clothes systems work with this script?

Plead add point shop!

Hello, does this Addon support pointshop2 items?
Like i want to reward my players with pointshop2 items (items need to go direct to the ps2 inventory)?

Please add pointshop support and i will buy asap 😊

Since I see there is MySQL support: Are there known problems with running this addon on different servers with different gamemodes?

Add Pointshop 1/2 Support please

jackpot and coinflip not work


what is the command for remove pas? or do it automatic?

can you support Clothes? from Character & Clothes - T-shirt customizable & realistic clothes system

You sure?! "Error: EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0"

The new version only contains a LICENSE.txt