Xenin Inventory - The Modern ItemStore

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  • Added a new feature that allows ANY entity to be put into the inventory. This should work fine for most entities but it might not work perfectly for everything as Gmod addons are made in very different ways usually. If the entity doesn't work perfectly create a custom template, just open a support ticket if you need help
  • Also this feature doesn't allow for entity stacking, sorry.
  • Heavily improved the accuracy of model detection.
  • The inventory will now ALWAYS load after XeninUI has been initialised
  • Fixed an error where SQLite tables never be created
  • Fixed an error where the Inventory SWEP would be named Scripted Weapon (reverted the 1.0.8 change)
  • Added a way for users to import ItemStore from SQLite to MySQL
  • To do this type "xenin_inventory_import_itemstore sql" in the server console
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