xSuits 2 | Advanced Suits & Suit Creator

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[SeshRP] Pyro posted

Does this still work good in 2022-2023? See this in elitelupus server and seems pretty cool thing for players to look to getting and better than nerfing all the damage on the guns so they arent OP lol. The last comment is in 2020 tho so i have bad hopes

B2R | Sleggie Purchased posted

Is it possible to have an NPC instead of command?

Neo posted

Are you able to drop suits?

Shysley posted

Workshop addons half a gig? Does it come with models or something, good lord

11GetSchwifty11 posted

Hey there, just wondering will this addon work for TTT and if not are you able to add functionality to make it work in TTT?


Cee posted

the pixilation on the icons pisses me off

other than that, very sleek - decent ui, fairly priced, glws!

Livaco posted
● edited

Fucking. Yikes.

Rossi posted

Very nice. Hope all goes well!

Liam Purchased posted

Pretty sweet looking, glws bud

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