🗳️ Slawer - Elections | Realistic Mayor Voting System

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Elections are an important part of a DarkRP server, it creates content for your server that links your players. Here is the complete and modern election system you need for your server.

Looking for a good and complete mayor system? Check out 👨‍⚖️ Slawer - Mayor and the compatibility with it

When a player registers for the elections (you can make it not free if you want), if the minimum of candidates you set in the configuration file is reached, a timer will start and other candidates will have to register within this timer. After that, there will also be a timer for your players to vote. At the end, if there is no tie, the winner will be set as mayor, and he'll be able to do his job. In case of a tie, the new mayor will be randomly selected from the players that have the highest amount of votes.

To register or vote, your players have two choices:

  • Go to the NPC and use it very easily
  • Use the menu they have on their screen when the elections are pending (only if you enabled it in the configuration file)

A television is included in the addon. It allows your players to follow the elections realistically (they can also follow them from the menu on their screen if you enabled it). With such a feature, you can imagine your players gather somewhere there is a television seeing the results together.

When they register, your players can choose to have a political group (those are configurable). This political group has a name and a color that the candidate will be associated with. It makes elections better and more realist.

  • Several supported languages
  • Several ways to vote and register (NPC or on players' screen depending on how you configure)
  • Minimum / maximum of candidates
  • Political groups (configurable)
  • Pay to register (configurable)
  • Live television
  • Clean UI
  • Easy to set up
  • and much more...

Compatibility with 👨‍⚖️ Slawer - Mayor

If you own Slawer - Elections and Slawer - Mayor, the Mayor Television entity will display the elections when it's voting time (the same as Elections television). So, you'll have only one television for the 2 addons.

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at slawer_mayor/lua/slawer_elections/configuration.lua
  3. Restart your server

Do not forget to put mayor = true, in the creation code of your mayor job.

If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just send me the content below translated. It must be in your primary language.

Slawer.Elections.Lang["en"] = {
	elections = "Elections",
	registration = "Registration",
	register = "Register",
	up_to_x_can_vote = "Up to %i citizens can vote",
	vote_for_x = "Vote for %s",
	x_elected = "%s has been elected",
	time_to_register = "It's time to register",
	time_to_vote = "It's time to vote",
	registered = "You registered for the elections",
	voted = "Thanks for your vote",
	error_occured = "An error has occured, please try again",
	no_elections_currently = "There is no election currently",
	already_registered = "You are already registered",
	cannot_register = "You cannot register now",
	not_allowed_to_register = "You are not allowed to register",
	not_enough_money_to_register = "You do not have enough money to register",
	there_is_already_mayor = "You cannot register now, there is already a mayor",
	no_more_candidates = "No more candidates can register",
	cannot_vote_now = "You cannot vote now",
	already_voted = "You already voted",
	no_mayor_job = "No mayor job found (wrong server configuration)",
	no_candidate_elected = "No candidate has been elected",
	must_use_npc_register = "You must use the NPC to register",
	must_use_npc_vote = "You must use the NPC to vote",
	invalid_political_group = "The political group you registered with is invalid",
	program_must_length = "Your program must be between %i and %i characters long",
	invalid_candidate = "This candidate doesn't exist, please try again",
Product reviews

5.00 average based on 3 reviews

Love it.
Not really much to say other than this is the best election script you will find. I really like the political parties you can configure, adds for some interesting RP.
By democlient -
(version 1.0.3)
Shibaz  🍍
Amazing !
I really recommend this very complete and well made system. The design is beautiful and the configuration quite simple :) The addon is magical like all the others from Slawer!
By Shibaz 🍍 -
(Never downloaded)
[Oveo RôlePlay] Yepco
Simple and clean!
A simple addon that allows you to have an electoral program :-) A perfect addon to go with the Slawer Mayor that we already have ^^
By [Oveo RôlePlay] Yepco -
(version 1.0.0)
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  • DarkRP
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