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Curator's Featured Review
This addon... WOW!
Zerochain makes some of the BEST addons to date. People die for this stuff. I really like the fact that he uses custom-made models and sounds to improve the overall quality of the addon. 10/10! I would definitely buy it again!!!
In short
This Script adds a Illegal Firework Producer Job for DarkRP.
In order to get the production going the Player first needs to buy the Equipment and Ingredients.
After setting up the CrackerMachine and adding the ingredients (Paper, Blackpowder), the player just needs to press the Start Button and the machine will start producing Firework.
The Machine can get Level ups overtime or by buying some using the Upgrade Button on the Display.
Automatic LevelUps can be disabled and modified in the config (See zcm.config.CrackerMachine.Upgrades)
The Final product will be packaged using the cardboard Box and sold directly via the Sell Button. (This might change in Future Updates.)
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4.91 average based on 10 reviews

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