NightClub System 💋 | Manage your business ! 🍸

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In short

Night Club System is an advanced system that allows you to create and manage your own business. You can hire your employees (DJ, dancers), you can also sell foods and drinks.

Business System

  • Manage your business with an advanced 3D computer
  • Sell drinks and foods to earn money
  • Improvements system
  • Balance Limit
  • Storage
  • Dance locations
  • DJ turntables

Strip Club

  • You can hire employees
  • Energy system: Your employees can run out
  • Dancer system

DJ System

  • Hire your own DJ: This one will animate your nightclub with music !

Admin Command

  • As an administrator you can use nightclub_reset in your console to reset everything in the nightclub

Easily and very customizable

  • You can easily configure the script and the customization is advanced
  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at night_club_system/lua/night_club_system/shared/config.lua
  3. Restart your server
  4. Enjoy !

If the radio link doesn't work, try to find another one (of the radio you want it just must be live), here is another one ";stream.nsv" if you need.

YOU NEED THIS! Please download this and add this to your server!


3D Computer:

DJ Bot:

Drinks and Foods seller:

If you want to translate the addon in another language unvailable just send me the content below translated. It must be in your primary language.

local LANGUAGE = {
    logged_in_as = "Logged in as : %s",

    dashboard = "Dashboard",
    upgrades = "Upgrades",
    employees = "Employees",
    collect_funds = "Collect funds",

    press_use_to_leave_edit_mode = "Press USE to leave the edit mode",

    invalid_employee = "Invalid employee",
    employee_already_employed = "This employee has already been employed",
    employee_successfully_employed = "Employee successfully employed",
    employee_already_has_this_status = "This employee already has this status",
    employee_status_updated = "The status of this employee has been updated",

    shop = "Shop",
    price = "Price: %s",
    available = "Available: %i",

    not_access = "You don't have access to this",
    not_enough_funds = "You don't have the necessary funds",
    not_enough_money = "You don't have enough money",
    not_enough_storage = "You don't have enough storage to do this",
    not_enough_energy = "This employee doesn't have enough energy to work",
    wait_before_redoing_this = "Please wait before redoing this action",
    no_available_podiums = "There are no more podiums available",
    invalid_invest = "You must invest between 0 and 99,999,999,999",
    cannot_exceed_balance_limit = "You cannot exceed the balance limit",
    invalid_resale_price = "Invalid resale price (from 0 to 99,999,999,999)",
    reached_maximum_step_for_this_upgrade = "You have reached the maximum step for this upgrade",
    has_already_dj = "There is already a DJ working",

    funds_collected = "You collected the funds from the nightclub",
    invested_in_nightclub = "You have successfully invested in the nightclub",
    successfully_purchased = "Successfully purchased",
    reset_performed = "Reset performed",

    balance_available = "Balance available",
    balance_limit = "Balance limit",
    number_of_employees = "Number of employees",
    quota_of_employees = "Quota of employees",
    storage = "Storage",
    employees = "Employees",
    recruit = "Recruit",
    energy_amount = "%i%% of energy",
    give_a_vacation = "Give a vacation",
    make_work = "Make work",
    recruit_employees = "Recruit employees",
    employ_for = "Employ for %s",
    invest_funds = "Invest funds",
    amount_to_invest = "Amount to invest",
    confirm = "Confirm",
    manage_night_club = "Manage the nightclub",
    unit_price = "Unit price: %s",
    in_stock = "In stock: %i",
    total_price = "Total price: %s",
    quantity = "Quantity",
    resale_price = "Resale price",
    max = "Maximum",
    balance = "Balance",

  • Matt for his library
  • GTA V for the idea
  • Google for the icons
Product reviews

4.80 average based on 10 reviews

Blaster Alpha
2024 Still one of the best Script Ever
Five years ago an extraordinary script came on the scene, despite the passage of time, its brilliance remains unchanged. Indeed, it continues to fascinate users and improve the RP, proving itself to be a masterpiece.
By Blaster Alpha -
(version 1.0.4)
Excellent Addon- new players read for crucial info
The addon truly is excellent, and very customizable. One thing to note, however, is some configuration changes you may need to make. Dancers can be any base gmod model in the spawnlists folder inside of your garrysmod directory, the "class" of an item in the shop is the spawnable items information you get when you right click and copy to clipboard, and the dancers naturally need you to configurate their spawn vector(x, y, z) based on your map. If not configurated, the addon can seem poorly done. Once some time is put in, the work truly is very good. This is a great addition to any DarkRP server!
By Awi -
(version 1.0.4)
Recommend to buy
This addon is excellent it is easy to config took me about 5 minuets to change the DJ location recommend thanks for making this.
By lee34260 -
(version 1.0.4)
Good for any nightclub
Use this addon if you already have a prebuilt nightclub in your map. Addon works good overall, only issue is how the shop ui is on the NPC - you cannot have anything in front of the NPC (such as a counter). Music is cool, dancers are cool.
By Blank -
(version 1.0.4)
Great addon
This is a fun script to throw in your nightclub. It works great and it's easily customizable. I had one problem where the NPC store could be shot and killed and it was fixed instantly! Thank you.
By Jburridge -
(version 1.0.3)
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