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In short
Zero´s AdvertKit gives you and your players a fast and easy way to use Imgur images as adverts or just for fun.
How To:
- Spawn the Entity either via Q Menu or buy it from the F4 Menu.
- Open the AdvertConfig by pressing "E" on the Entity.
- Give it Valid Imgur ids in the TextFields for examble
- Adjust the Scroll Interval & Speed how you like.
- Select one of the Skins and give it a nice Color using the Color picker.
- Press Update!
AdvertSigns can be saved on the map via !zad_save by admins.
Depending on your needs you can remove the darkrp file to make the entitie only spawnable for admins.
Product reviews
4.77 average based on 11 reviews

Great addon !
That's one of my favorite addon ! Great for ad and custom pics ofc, really good, thanks :)

Still good in 2023
This is still a good addon.. There are also some spike lags when you load the map part where are located billboards. Sad its no longer supported, but still working for now.
This product was received for free

Zero killed it again with this plugin.
The signs settings are so simple.
And they look amazing on the map.

This thing is dope!
Great way to generate donation revenue for your server or just to advertise upcoming events, etc. Amazing work as always, good sir!

A fun little addon to best animate your server!
This add on is really very nice! A nice simple interface for everyone, and some great templates. Only small defect for me is that we are forced to go through imgur: / but this does not in any way remove a star because it is 100% functional
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