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Unleash the power of computing! Zeros BotNet adds 5 new computing jobs to darkrp!
Zeros BotNet creates a dark humor universe in the gaming industry. The player will be able to setup network of bots which perform different computing tasks, such as rendering movies, hacking botnets, hacking players, scamming the web or mining more then 159 crypto currencies which can be sold / bought and send at the Crypto ATM. It is a game about hacking, stealing, mining, murder? and the fine line between blurring the lines of reality. All these tasks are made possible by a botnet, an army of bots who do your bidding without requesting payment.
Admin Setup
- Place down the Crypto ATM where you want.
- Press the save button at Q > Options Tab > BotNet > Admin Settings
BotNet - Setup
- Buy a controller from the f4 menu
- Buy a rack from the f4 menu
- Press E on the controller
- Click on the + Symbol at the top right corner
- Select which Bot you want to buy
- Place down the Bots either on the ground or on the rack.
- Once you are done open the controller interface again and select which jobs the bots should perform
BotNet - Controller
The controller is the heart of the botnet and allows the player to buy / sell / connect bots to it. This is where the computing job is selected. Each controller gets a IP assigned which connects it to the IP Map. Each Controller also has a currency wallet which holds the earned money. The wallet size changes depending on the players rank. The player can either payout his money currency from here or send it to his crypto vault.
BotNet - Bots
Bots are the arms of the botnet which do the heavy lifting. Diffrent Bots have diffrent stats, some are faster others are better in causing damage or deflecting it. Some bots can target player neuro waves (spooky). Admins can add / edit bots using the ingame editor which can be accessed via zbf_bot_editor or the spawnmenu Q > Options > BotNet > Admin Settings. Bots can be restricted to a certain rank or player job.
BotNet - Rack
The rack is used to hold bots for easier access.
BotNet Jobs
The BotNets themself are able to perform 5 diffrent types of jobs.
- ZBF_JOBTYPE_GENERIC - A legal job which pays money after completion
- ZBF_JOBTYPE_CRYPTO - A legal job which repeats and pays crypto currencies.
- ZBF_JOBTYPE_BOTNET - A illegal job which targets other BotNet owned by another player on the server.
- ZBF_JOBTYPE_NEURO - A illegal job which targets player.
- ZBF_JOBTYPE_SCAM - A illegal which repeats and pays money or crypto depending on the type of scam.
Generic / Render Jobs
The default type of computing jobs are generating money on completion. In order to complete a job the botnet needs to produce a certain amount of ticks. Depending on the job config those jobs are can have a cooldown after completion or repeat. Render Jobs will be marked as unlocked on completion and wont have a cooldown anymore. Some jobs have a countdown and are only available for a certain amount of time. Certain jobs (illegal) can have a pretty high difficulty level which causes more severe errors to the botnet.
This type of job repeats after completion and pays out a certain amount of the selected crypto currency. The amount varies depending on the config but by default the player will get ~100$ of that crypto currency. The player can mark which crypto currency he prefers such that it always will appear on top. The players Crypto Favourites will be saved locally. Currently there are 159 available crypto currencies fetched from coinbase. Some currencies money value are boosted since they value is too small for lua. (SHIB)
Players can hack other IPs / BotNets using the BotNet attacks. After selecting which type of BotNet hack should be executed, the player also need to select which IP should be targeted using the IP Map. The impact of those attacks varries depending on your attack strength and the targets defense strength. There are currently 5 diffrent types of hacks.
- Ping - Scans the specified IP and reveals if a botnet is connected to it.
- Transfer funds - Steals a certain amount of currency from the target BotNet!
- Cripple - Cripples the target BotNet for a certain amount of time!
- Crash - Damages part of the targets BotNet! The amount of damage caused gets splitt between all the bots being attacked.
- Highjack - Highjacks some of the bots connected to the target BotNet and makes them work for you!
Neuro Hacks
Neuro hacks target players and requiere the botnet to have a certain neuro level in order to perform the hack. This type of hack requieres a certain type of bot which can target human brains. *wink *wink ... There are currently 5 diffrent types of neuro hacks.
- Boost - Improves the targets movement speed for a certain amount of time.
- Vitality - Increases the targets health a bit. (This job will repeat unless stopped)
- Shield - Protects the target against negative neuro hacks and generic damage for a certain amount of time.
- Cripple - Cripples the targets movement for a certain amount of time.
- Overheat - "Causes the targets implants to overheat for a certain amount of time.
Scams are illegal computing jobs which repeat and produce either money or crypto on completion. Those kind of jobs can have a increased amount of errors which could damage the botnet.
Crypto - Vault
The crypto vault saves all the players crypto currencies. It can be accessed via the chat command !vault or by using the crypto ATM.
Crypto - ATM
The crypto ATM allows the player to access his crypto vault, buy / sell crypto currencies or send them to other players. The crypto marketplace shows the current price and performance of over 150 crypto currencies.
Crypto - USB (Hardware Wallet)
The player can drop crypto currencies in to a hardware wallet from his crypto vault. This allows him to move crypto currencies through the world.
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