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In short
The world has been infected , will you provide the cure? Zeros GenLab adds a Genetic Researcher Job for DarkRP. Wash your hands, stay inside or suffer the consequences.
As a Genetic Researcher you can earn money by selling Viruses / Ability Boosts to "Kane" (NPC) or by taking on Quests which also earn you DNA Points.
The Genetic Laboratory is used to convert DNA Sample in to DNA Points which can be used to create Ability Boosts , Viruses and Cures.
- Adding the same DNA Samples multiple times will inflict a penalty on the possible DNA Points.
- Adding DNA Samples from the same subject over a short period of time will inflict a cooldown penalty on the possible DNA Points.
The Injector is the main tool on your job, its used to
- Inject You or others with various substances
- Take DNA Samples from who ever happens to be close by :p
- Scan the Enviroment for Contaminated Objects and Players
- Gen Material can be dropped in to Flasks (MOUSE_MIDDLE)
- If you drop DNA Samples while looking at a GenLab it adds it directly to it
Statistic Signs
The statistic signs display which Virus has infected how many
- Players
- Objects (Doors,Money,etc)
- VirusNodes
- Corpses
Electric Fence
The electric fence can be used to restrict players to enter certain areas of the city without a infection check.
- Touching the fence causes pain.
- Going through the gate informs you if you are contaminated, clean or infected.
- If enabled then the gate will disinfected you which removes any occopating viruses.
- The Fence can have a max length of 1000 units.
- Driving with a vehicle trough the fence causes instant death.
- The fence can be destoryed
- All of the above can be changed in the config (zbl.config.Fence)
Disinfectant Spray
Everybody can buy the spray from the F4 Menu - Weapon Shipments. It removes any virus from contaminated objects, so you are better off spraying that next door / entity before touching it.
Hazmat Suit
Only way for you to get infected now is if someone stabs his injector gun right in to your kidney.
Everybody can buy the respirators from the F4 Menu. Respirators come in 10 diffrent styles and you never know which one you get. (If not predefined in the config)
- Respirators decrease your change of getting infected be by touch or breath.
- They dont hold for ever and get used up.
- Even if you happen to get infected the respirators still decreases the change of you infecting other people.
- They make you look serious in a very unserious way.
Gen Flasks
If you drop Gen Material from the Injector (MOUSE_MIDDLE) it gets filled in to a Gen Flask.
- Be extremly carefull with those flask since they break pretty easy.
- If a DNA Flask breaks nothing really happens, except you getting someones DNA on you. 🤢
- If a Virus Flask breaks everyone near it who is not well protected (or in a Hazmat Suit) will get infected.
- If a Cure Flask breaks everyone near it who was infected with the Virus counter part of this cure will get cured.
- If a Ability Boost Flask breaks everyone near it will get this ability boost.
Infected Corpse
Corpses get created when a infected player dies, this can be disabled in the config (zbl.config.Corpse.enabled)
- If enabled in the config then the corpse will explode before it despawns which infects anyone near by.
- Corpses can be removed with the Disinfectant Spray
- Corpses can be harvested for DNA Samples.
- Virusnodes are the manifestation of a certain type of Virus in the world
- If you go to close to a Virusnode it emits a cloud of virusspores and infects everyone near it (and despawns zbl.config.VirusNodes.KillOnTouch)
- Virusnodes can be harvested for DNA Samples.
Virus Hotspots Sytem
Virus Hotspots start at predefined positions created by the toolgun. There can only be one active Hotspot at once on the map. A Virus Hotspot exist out of one core virusnode and a lot of slave nodes. They do slowly grow over the map but stop at a certain limit (which is defind in the config)
- By default the VirusHotspot system will only grow if there is atleast one active researcher on the server (zbl.config.VirusHotspots.GrowOnJobOnly)
- If there is a grown out Hotspot but there is no researcher anymore then the Hotspot will slowly explode and shrink piece by piece.
Occopation System
Once a player gets infected he wont see or feel any symptomes but still spreads the virus. The occopation system radius , time and infection chance varries from Virus to Virus.
Contamination System
The Contamination (if enabled) will contaminate objects which class match zbl.config.Contamination.ents
- By default the contamination will not be visible , this can be changed here zbl.config.Contamination.visible
- When a infected player touches a object which can be contaminated and the virus config allows for object contamination then the object might get contaminated
- The system also automaticly contaminates (random or most touched) objects arround the map, this can be changed here zbl.config.Contamination.AutoContaminate
Anti Infection Zones (AIZ)
AIZ can be used to define areas on the map to prevent infections.
- Player wont get infected inside those areas.
- Objects wont get contaminated inside those areas.
- Virus Hotspots wont grow inside those areas.
McPhone App
The McPhone App informs you if you wearing a Respirators and how much Health it still has. It also lets you scan you current location and tells you how high your infection risk is.
- The infection risk means the proximity from you to a infected object / player, so better scan before opening the next door.
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