Zero´s Gold Digger 🐔 (Gold Script)

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In short

This script adds a gold digger job to darkrp.

As a Gold Digger you search for gold veins and shovel the gold enriched dirt into a bucket.

To use the Goldwasher you first must put in rubber mats into the machine and turn on the water using the lever. Now the gold dirt gets dissolved and gold particle get stuck in the rubber mats. Remove the rubber mats from the machine by pressing USE on them and extract the gold nuggets from them by pressing USE again. Jars with gold nuggets can be sold using the Lanterns. (Dont ask why)


Used to search gold veins and shovel dirt in to buckets.


Used to collect dirt.

Gold Washer

The Gold washer is used to dissolve dirt and extract gold nuggets from it.

  • It needs rubber mats in order to catch gold nuggets.
  • Can be upgraded to Increase Workspeed, Add Extension, Increase Dirt Capactiy, Add Armor
  • Depending on the config it spawns with a hose which needs to be submerged in to water first.

Rubber Mat

Catches gold nuggets from dissolved dirt.

  • Once the Rubber mat has gold nuggets, press USE to collected the gold from it.

VIP Bucket

Same as the normal bucket but follows the player when activated via USE.

Deflated Lantern

Is used to sell jars with gold nuggets.

  • It can hold up to 3 jars

  • Fun scavenger hunt gameplay to find goldveins
  • Upgrade Menu for Gold Washer

  • DRM Free
  • Fully Customizable
  • Custom models
  • Custom Animations
  • Custom materials

Does this script has any requierements?

Yes this libary >

Where is the config?


Where is the Job file?


What Gamemodes does this addon support?

Its designed for DarkRP but it also has the needed Money functions for Basewars and Nutscript, its just not tested on those gamemodes yet.

Will you provide support?

Yes, I will provide free support all the time if I am available.

What is required for this?

The contentpack and maybe HalfLife 2 but usally the used sounds are also shipped with gmod by default.

Where can i find the Content Pack?


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5.00 average based on 10 reviews

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