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In short
Gmod meets Overcooked. Zeros MasterChef is a easy to use and InDepth cooking script which features a variety of ways to cook food.
Zeros MasterChef provides a easy but detailed way for your players to make money by selling food to npc customers or other players. Players can cook a variety of food like Pizza, Sushi, Baguette and much more which can be easly expended on using the easy to use ingame item editor. This is the type of gameplay that will make your players want to try cooking! Use your kitchen! Serve your customers! The most realistic cooking script for gmod!
Players can buy ingredients from the fridge. Admins can whitelist items per fridge to only allow certain items to be bought from it. This is usfull if you wanna setup a restaurant area that only allows a certain type of food to be made/sold.
The mixer is used to combine multiple items to create a new one, usally dough. Depending on item type the mix speed differs and need to be adjusted in order for the item (dough) to process.
The oven bakes items which converts them in to a new one. (Dough > Bread > Burned Bread)
The requiered temperature varries between diffrent items.
Requieres a Gastank [If enabled in the main config.]
The oven bakes items which converts them in to a new one. (Raw Steak > Steak > Burned Steak)
While grilling items Quicktime events can occure which destroy some items if failed. The set temperature of the grill defines the likelyness of a quicktime event.
Requieres a Gastank [If enabled in the main config.]
The wok is used to create new items while heating them. A little skill game needs to be performed in order to progress.
Requieres a Gastank [If enabled in the main config.]
The soupot combines multiple ingredients in to soup overtime. Pretty much a waiting game.
Requieres a Gastank [If enabled in the main config.]
The boilpot converts one in to another. (Spagetti Raw > Spagetti Boiled)
Requieres a Gastank [If enabled in the main config.]
The dishtable allows admins to design new dishes by positioning food items on a plate. Normal players can then select which dish they wanna cook / craft.
The dishtable acts as a config editor for the dish config.
The ordertable is the place where customer will take / order their food.
On the ordertables interface there is a "Start" button which starts the ordering process for the specific ordertable.
If "Allow Custom Orders" is enabled on the table then customers will order random food items according to the customerstable whitelist.
Dish Orders are displayed as ghosted versions of a Dish.
If "Allow Custom Orders" is disabled then the Dishtable acts more like a Buffettable where customers will only eat what you server them.
Serving Custom Food Orders in a short time will increase customer happienes which increases the customer spawnrate.
Once the Ordertable process is stopped, any earnings will spawn on top of it.
Each Ordertable supports 8 orders at a time.
The customertable the place where customer will spawn. Depending on the tables defined appearance it will have one or multiple seats.
The customertable can has a Dish whitelist which restricts which Dishes the customers will order. This is usefull for public Restaurant setups which only serve certain types of food.
The Cookbook explains what each item does and how it can be processed.
If a washtable is near a ordertable then each delivered order will produce a dirty plate which needs to be cleaned. The Washtable can hold up to 12 dirty plates by default and should none of them get cleaned then no new customers will arrive till there is more room for dirty plates again.
Item Editor
The item editor (Ingame Item Config) can be found at the Spawnmenu > Options > Mastercook > AdminSettings > Open Item Config
It allows the existing items to be modified and new ones to be created.
A item is a object which has one or multiple components which define what it is and how its made.
Item Components
A item component defines what the player can do with the item. Components can be added in the ingame item editor under components. Bellow is a list of possible components.
- Fridge > Can be bought from the fridge.
- Cut > Can be cut in to pieces.
- Knead > Can be kneaded in to something.
- Bake > Can be baked.
- Mix > Is mixed from multiple ingredients.
- Grill > Can be grilled.
- Wok > Can be made in the Wok.
- Soup > Can be made in the SoupPot.
- Boil > Can be boiled.
- Craft > Can be crafted on the worktable.
- Sell > Can be sold.
- Edible > Can be consumed.
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