Zero´s MethLab 2 🧪 (Drug Script)

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uBlue posted

is there a way to spawn specific types and quality's of moth

Chamstick Purchased posted

It appears that the tents aren't charging any money to set up.

Chamstick Purchased posted

@Соль stop using a cracked version.

Соль posted
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I can't insert it properly. Lots of errors. Can you help?

riffraff Purchased posted

Hi sorry I wasn't sure if this warranted a ticket or not I just wanted to know how to change the payoff for selling meth please?

ANOMALY Purchased posted

I would probs buy this if it were like botnet and the new weed addon where there was an in-game config for admins to create custom meths and can set ranks that can make it and everything such as that stuff.

Ghosttt Purchased posted

Zerochain Thank you very much <3

Zerochain Author posted

Ghosttt Fine i write it down for the next update

Ghosttt Purchased posted

Honestly have to agree with ☣☢ [G-G] Banana445500 ☢☣ here, I'd love to see BLogs support in this..

Gabstorm Purchased posted


this add-on is compatible with Pointshop ?

Or is it possible to make it compatible ourselves?

If yes, how

WelshBanana Purchased posted

Would like to see BLogs support. In addition to that I've been having game crashes using the script so has other people and if the trays are placed into the freezer too quickly the server can crash or at least come close to it.

Zerochain Author posted

Proto The gasmask currently supports SH , BH and AAS Accessories. Its more of a extra item you get when you have one of those 3 scripts installed. Same goes for the cooking script, it does not come with its own Accessory system just to add a cooking hat but if you have one of the above mentioned Accessory scripts installed then it adds a custom hat to it.

Proto Purchased posted

Is there any way to have the Gas Mask without SH Accessories??

Masco Purchased posted

@Zerochain Well done. I'm an idiot lol!

Zerochain Author posted
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Mascotics The main config file has the code for the gasmask and its integration in to the pollution system

Masco Purchased posted

Any plans to integrate with this new Accessory add-on for the Gas Mask?

Zerochain Author posted

The North Face Its designed for DarkRP but it also has the needed Money functions for Basewars and Nutscript, its just not tested on those gamemodes yet.

Héphaistos posted
 Hello, is the addon compatible with basewars?


_polygonz_ Purchased posted

Thank u, very nice script

swmrroro posted

Whys it a 'Frezzer' and not a Freezer........

éxotic Purchased posted

thank you

Zerochain Author posted

éxotic ok download seems to be working again

Zerochain Author posted

éxotic Hm, i cant download it, reuploading also doesent seem to fix this problem, i would just wait, could be some maintance thing on their servers.

éxotic Purchased posted

Zerochain i can't download the latest version ( 1.0.7 ) but i can download the 1.0.6.

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