Zero´s RetroMiner ⛏️ (Mining Script)

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In short

This is the ultimate mining and refining script! In this Addon you can harvest, melt and sell many ores!

enter image description here

You can harvest diffrent Ores with a pickaxe or a mineshaft and collect them in a gravelcrate. The collected Ores are then put in a RockCrusher were they get crushed and moved to a Refinery via a conveyorbelt were they get refined and collected in a Refiner Crate.

The refined ore and coal can now be filled in the Melter were it gets melted in to Bar´s. The finished Bar´s get now put in a fancy Storagecrate and sold by a Metal Buyer.

enter image description here

Public Pipeline Tutorial

English Tutorial by Ratatouille: Click Here

French Tutorial by KADABRA: Click Here

  1. Take the job "Retro Miner"
  2. Choose your Pickaxe and smash it on the rocks
  3. Purchase a RockCrusher, a Conveyorbelt and a Refinery
  4. Put a Refiner - Crate under the Refinery
  5. Purchase a Melter and fill it with Coal and refined ore
  6. Wait for your ore to be molten in to Ingots and put them in a Storage Crate
  7. Go to a Metal Buyer and sell your StorageCrate

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Please take the time to review my script. Negative and Positive critic is welcome.

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If you found some bugs please use the gmod ticket system to contact me.


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// Here are some Hooks you can use for Custom Code

// Called when the player hits a ore entity
hook.Add("zrmine_OnPickaxeHit", "zrmine_OnPickaxeHit_Vrondakis", function(ply, HitPos, OreEntity)
  if IsValid(ply) and (LevelSystemConfiguration or manolis) then
    ply:addXP(zrmine.config.Vrondakis["Mining_pickaxe"].XP, " ", true)
// Call when a Mine Entrance produces ore entities
// *Note* The player variable can be nil if the MineEntrance is public
hook.Add("zrmine_OnOreMined", "zrmine_OnOreMined_Vrondakis", function(ply, MineEntity)
  if IsValid(ply) and (LevelSystemConfiguration or manolis) then
    ply:addXP(zrmine.config.Vrondakis["Mining_mine"].XP, " ", true)
// Called when Ore gets Crushed
hook.Add("zrmine_OnOreCrushing", "zrmine_OnOreCrushing_Vrondakis", function(ply, Crusher, OreType, OreAmount)
  if IsValid(ply) and (LevelSystemConfiguration or manolis) then
    ply:addXP(zrmine.config.Vrondakis["Crushing"].XP, " ", true)
// Called when a refinery refines ore
hook.Add("zrmine_OnOreRefined", "zrmine_OnOreRefined_Vrondakis", function(ply, Refinery, OreType, OreAmount)
  if IsValid(ply) and (LevelSystemConfiguration or manolis) then
    ply:addXP(zrmine.config.Vrondakis["Refining"].XP, " ", true)
// Called when the player produces metal bars
hook.Add("zrmine_OnMelting", "zrmine_OnMelting_Vrondakis", function(ply, Melter, BarType)
  if IsValid(ply) and (LevelSystemConfiguration or manolis) then
    ply:addXP(zrmine.config.Vrondakis["Melting"].XP, " ", true)
// Called when the player produces metal bars
hook.Add("zrmine_OnSelling", "zrmine_OnMelting_Vrondakis", function(ply, BuyerNPC, SellProfit, MetalBarsTable, Earnings)
  if IsValid(ply) and (LevelSystemConfiguration or manolis) then
    ply:addXP(zrmine.config.Vrondakis["Selling"].XP, " ", true)








enter image description here

enter image description here SAM Support

enter image description here Xenin Inventory Support

enter image description here xAdmin Support

enter image description here Itemstore Support!

enter image description here DRM Free

enter image description here Vrondakis Leveling System Support

enter image description here Fully Customizable

enter image description here Different Ore´s to Harvest, Melt and Sell

enter image description here Pickaxe Level System

enter image description here Easy to Build Refining Line

enter image description here Dynamic Metal Market

enter image description here Neat UI

enter image description here Multi Language Support (English, German, French, Polish)

enter image description here Custom models

enter image description here Custom Animations

enter image description here Realistc Gravel Animations

enter image description here Custom materials

enter image description here Custom particles

enter image description here Optimized system (Level of Detail)

enter image description here Easy to use config

enter image description here Ore Spawn Creation Tool

enter image description here

The Mining system can be tweaked do fit better your economy and the Pickaxe Level can be as high as you want.

How do I spawn the OreMines?

There is a Tool for that called OreSpawner in the category Zeros RetroMiningSystem

How do I install this?

Just open the .zip file and drag the folder into the gmod addons directory.

How do I save the BuyerNPC or the Ore Spawns?

Just type !savezrms in too the chat.

Are there any commands do change a Player Pickaxe Level?

// Level System IngGame Config ConsoleCommand: zrms_levelsystem_open

// Chat Commands
//  !zrms_lvlsys_reset SteamID
//  !zrms_lvlsys_xp SteamID Amount
//  !zrms_lvlsys_lvl SteamID Amount

// Console Commands
//  zrms_lvlsys_reset SteamID
//  zrms_lvlsys_xp SteamID Amount
//  zrms_lvlsys_lvl SteamID Amount

You can also change the PlayerData from the InGame Option Panel.
Q > Options > RetroMiner > Admins Settings > Open PlayerData

Will you provide support?

Yes, I will provide free support all the time if I am available.

What is required for this?

Half life 2, DarkRP and the zrms contentpack

Where can i find the zrms Content Pack?

[2D / Testing Help] SirThomas

[Lua Help] CODE BLUE

[Annoys me until I work on something xD] Tony Stark

Language Translations

Product reviews

4.90 average based on 57 reviews

A problem with Sorters
So me and my friend were playing with the mod everything worked fine until we tried to add sorters, the first sorter worked perfectly fine but when we had 3-inf sorters the whole system would just stop, We made sure there was nothing stuck in there. So far the only thing that broke is the sorters for me. Can you please make a new update to fix that
By mikemik44 -
(version v2.3.4)
it broken is not even letting me mine
How you can fix that Problem? IT Not working you can not mine anything
By Shuru -
(version 2.3.4)
it works tysmm
it works tysmm yall should buy it its 1 of the funnest things to use for a dark rp
(version 2.3.4)
Un très bon addon
Cette addons est super bien et très complet pour du minage.
By xKx -
(version 2.3.4)
Death Wolf2913
Nice addon
The addon is actually good, but the model of ores is not very good, but the system itself compensates for this problem. I advise everyone
By Death Wolf2913 -
(version 2.3.3)
1 of 12
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