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In short
A simple to use scratchcard system including a ingame editor.
Scratchcards are pretty much a mobile version of gambling as it now doesn't only occur in casinos, but can also spread onto the streets. Now letting players spend their ingame money on Scratchcards is a good way to decrease inflation, but it's a bit blurry on an ethical viewpoint but thats always the thing with gambling.
The Ticketmachine is the place where players can buy the scratchcards and where admins can access the ingame config and Ticket editor. Players can press one of the 4 buttons to buy a ticket which either spawns in the machine or gets moved to the players inventory if enabled in the config. Only works currently for Itemstore / XeninInventory. Admins can edit the ticketmachines Paint / Light Color, what logo to display on the front and which tickets should be sold at which slot.
Ticket Editor
The Ticket editor allows you to create / edit / duplicate and remove tickets. In the editor you got options to define what imgur image to display, its position / scale / rotation, what text to display and which font / color / aligment to use. You can also specifiy which Rank / Job is allowed to purcahse the ticket and which prizes the player can win. Currently it supports arround 28 diffrent prize types.
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